What exactly *IS* feminine embodiment coaching?

Feminine Embodiment Coach Michelle Lynn Embodiment Alchemy

When I first started training in this modality of feminine embodiment coaching, everyone around me was curious about what I was up to. 


Friends and family would ask me, “So, you’re doing what exactly?!” and, “How does that work?” 


Maybe you have some of the same questions so let’s talk about what exactly is this way of coaching.


“Coaching” is an easy concept for most people to understand. It’s a collaboration between two people working towards a common purpose. 


In feminine embodiment coaching, that purpose can be just about anything:

  • figuring out what to do with your life,

  • developing skills like communication or boundaries,

  • expanding your experience of pleasure,

  • working towards a specific goal in your life or career,

  • anything at all, really! 


In feminine embodiment coaching, the role of the coach is not to tell you what to do or provide detailed instructions or plans. 


Rather, the role of the coach is as a supporter and co-creator to the magic that is already present within you. A feminine embodiment coach asks powerful questions and acts as an activating reflector to illuminate new truths that arise from *your* deep wisdom. The coach facilitates you getting clarity from your own experience and wisdom. 


So now we have an idea of what coaching means in this context, but what about “feminine embodiment”?


Let’s start by talking about what I mean by “feminine” here. When I speak of feminine in the context of embodiment, it doesn’t have anything to do with gender or sex. When I speak of “the feminine,” I am referring to the feeling, flowing states of emotion and sensation that are present inside each of us, irrespective of sex or gender identity. 


In this context, the feminine is the powerful flow of life force energy that moves through all things. Mother nature is a beautiful example of the feminine. She represents the ever-changing, often chaotic, creative forces of nature. She is the jungle, and the tsunami. The winter flowing into spring. 


And within us humans, the feminine is the wordless flow of sensation, emotion, and feeling within that is the language of the body’s experience of life. 


This body that we inhabit is our only way of experiencing the world around us, and indeed our lives. And yet it is very common to be “too much in our heads,” and have a hard time feeling our bodies, which is a complaint I often hear from women I work with!

In our fast-paced, productivity-driven culture, the body is often completely disregarded to the point where many of us lack the skills to come into contact with our bodies. We are out of touch with the richness of sensation and experience, or the depth of wisdom and clarity that are present in our bodies.  


This is where embodiment comes in. Embodiment simply means “inhabiting the body.” And by inhabiting the body more fully, we find we can inhabit our SELVES more fully. We can access the clarity and wisdom that arise from our depth. 


So, “feminine embodiment” means tapping more fully into the vast garden of feeling, flowing, sensation and emotion inside of our bodies. 


And feminine embodiment coaching means working with a coach who uses the tools of feminine embodiment to help you access your own internal resources for depth, truth, clarity, and wisdom, and to use those as a foundation to move forward toward your purpose. 


I have to say that there is a hefty dose of magic present in this work as well. I have witnessed time and time again with clients that once they start to activate more of their full-spectrum authentic self, things in their reality begin to shift! Opportunities open up unexpectedly, the right people suddenly appear, relationships transform without much effort. The results are often surprising and magical.


It is truly transformative and powerful work that is so needed in this time we live in! The world needs more embodied women who are claiming their fullness of being and operating from a place of depth.


I hope this helps explain what exactly feminine embodiment coaching is! 


Now I’m curious… does this type of coaching resonate with you? Leave me a comment and let me know! 

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 PS: If this interests you, I would love to invite you for a free, no-pressure mini coaching session. That way you can get a feel for what feminine embodiment coaching is like, and how I work. You’ll have a chance to ask any questions, and I’d love to hear more about where you are in your journey. BOOK YOUR FREE MINI SESSION HERE.

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