Hi, I’m Michelle.


I’m here to show you how to access the magic that comes with true feminine depth.

I’m a transformational coach and embodiment teacher. I’ve been supporting and empowering women for more than a decade, leading support groups and virtual communities, coordinating wellness events, and freelance writing.


My path has led me to doing deeper work 1:1 and in groups, teaching embodiment practices and guiding women back into themselves to reclaim their pleasure, purpose, and power.

I know what longing is like…

You’re certain there must be more, but you’re unsure what it is or how to get it.

There was a point in my life where something shifted and I suddenly began to wonder who’s life I was living because it sure as heck didn’t feel like MINE.

For a time, I was lost. I knew I was disconnected but I didn’t know how to begin to change. I wanted more pleasure, but I felt numb and shut down. I wanted more, but I had zero clarity about my goals and desires. I knew deep down I couldn’t go on like that, but I didn’t know how to fix it, where to go, or what to change.

I thought I might be broken. Or maybe I wanted too much.

Then one day, I decided no more!

I began to seek teachers and guides. My heart started to crack open when I found the courage to face what was inside me. I spent years exploring women’s empowerment, sexuality, polarity, yoga, meditation, and spirituality.

I knew I was being called to share this work with other women. I studied embodiment and coaching with masters in the field, and completed a world class coaching certification.

One of my greatest gifts is facilitating and holding space for women during times of transformation.

Gradually, my relationship to my work, money, time, to myself, and to other people started to change. I began to FEEL my life more. More pleasure, more fulfillment, more clarity, and more radiance. I got a taste of the true depth and richness of life. I dedicated my life to the pursuit of those things, and to helping other women discover them for themselves.

This isn’t a straight and easy path, and I am pretty sure part of the the journey is realizing we are never “done” with transformation. I am a work in progress, but I keep showing up for my own growth, and …

I know how to guide you in yours.

There have been plenty of bumps and missteps along the way. No doubt you are familiar with many of them. My life’s work and calling is to support women on this path of personal growth and transformation, and support them in meeting the challenges they encounter.

I transformed, and so can you, my love.