The Seven Types of Rest


As we step into the new year, we can be bombarded with messages of “new year, new start” and there can be a real pressure to set goals and targets for ourselves. However it's essential to acknowledge and honor the importance of winter as a season of rest as we move further into the year as we are now. The natural cycle of shorter days and longer nights invites us to slow down, look inward and prepare for the more fertile spring.

Just as nature goes into a dormant phase during winter, it's crucial for us to also take time to rest and revitalize both our physical and emotional well-being. By indulging in cocooning and rest during these months, we can come out in the spring feeling invigorated, ready to flourish with renewed energy and passion.

But how can you make sure you are resting in a way that’s going to serve you?

In today’s blog I want to delve into the concept of rest, and what that really means…  beyond taking a nap on the sofa with your cat curled up at your feet and a cup of tea going cold on the table!

There are in fact 7 different types of rest, each playing an important role in allowing our bodies and minds to heal and rejuvenate. You probably already know that even after a “good” nights’ sleep, you can feel depleted and exhausted somehow. This is because we need more than quality sleep to feel fully alive and nourished.

Our souls, bodies and minds need…

Active physical rest; which is something like working with a somatic movement practice, stretching or yoga, body work and so on. If you are looking to add more active physical rest to your practice in 2023, be sure to keep a look out for my regular Non-Linear Movement Classes which are perfect example of this kind of rest.

Mental rest; taking the time to unwind the mind from our constant consumption of information & thinking. No reading or watching the news, no going through your to do list. Just peace and rest.

Social rest; spending time alone or with people who don’t need anything from you. . Constantly being in a caregiving role can take a toll on us, and it’s often a role that women feel themselves slipping into.Taking some time to do something for ourselves is crucial for our emotional and mental well-being.

Spiritual rest; developing a sense of meaning from what you’re doing with your life. Knowing yourself. Knowing why. Knowing where to go from here.

Sensory rest; taking a break from the constant bombardment of sensory input. No videos, social media, noise, or phone notifications. Although they may feel enjoyable, all of these things add up and affect our nervous system greatly. It is essential to give our eyes and minds a break.

Emotional rest; this type of rest is when we can be totally “ourselves” and share honestly and authentically without putting on any sort of “hat” or mask. If you’re the nurturer in your family, you’re probably doing a lot of emotional labor which only doubles if you're in a service or caring profession. When you don’t get enough emotional rest, you can become a victim of decision fatigue and all of the things which go alongside that.

Creative rest; pausing to not need to create anything. If you have a business or side hustle you’ll understand how it feels to constantly need to be in creative mode. But taking time to step away from that, or just to create something for FUN, is so important.

My upcoming Creatrix workshop is the perfect opportunity to do something for you and indulge in some different sorts of rest. I will lead us through a variety of explorations specifically designed to call forth the wisdom of the body - journaling, meditation, and embodiment practice and together we will embark on somatic non-linear movement to bring each exploration through the lens of your own body.

The next (and final!) workshop takes place on March 5th and we will be exploring voice and expression. It’s just $55 to join and there will be no replays. This is a one-off live experience, and I can’t wait to see you there.

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