Wild Mystic Feminine
A 90 day immersion to find the deepest truths of your heart, learn how to bring your expression alive through your body, shift how you’re showing up to your life and relationships, and claim your own unique feminine magic.
A 90 day immersion to find the deepest truths of your heart, learn how to bring your expression alive through your body, shift how you’re showing up to your life and relationships, and claim your own unique feminine magic.
So many of us are holding back the truth of our hearts. Afraid of what wants to come roaring through if we truly let it out. Feeling like it’s impossible to share our needs and desires - be it with lovers, friends, or work.
By striving to prove we can be and do and have it all, we become disconnected from our true feminine expression. We suppress "the feminine" to get ahead in our masculine, productivity focused culture.
And we spend so long doing it that when we do want to be in our feminine, we find ourselves stuck and disconnected from her. Unable to access the realms of sensual feeling, flowing emotion and sensation; or the abundant opportunities for creativity, desire, pleasure, magnetism, receptivity, feelings, and sensuality.
This is where we learn through direct experience what it means to be embodied and how to live from that place.
Do you want to land fully in your feminine, to be receptive and open in love, and in relating to others?
Do you want to stop feeling like you are the one holding it all together, and to trust that it it is safe to surrender?
Do you want to truly believe you can "have it all" without doing it all?
Do you want to know deep in your bones that you are worthy of being supported and held emotionally, energetically & physically?
Do you want to surrender from a place of sovereignty and power, as an equal, not from a place of collapse or overwhelm?
Do you feel yourself dimming your radiance, playing small, never quite taking up the space you want to?
Do you feel (and have been told!) that taking time for yourself feels selfish, over-indulgent, something that "other women get to do" but not you…?
Take a journey through five feminine archetypes to awaken these qualities in your Self and find your own unique medicine and personal expression with them.
Discover an experiential process of engaging with life not only from the mind, but through the lens of the body, emotions, heart, and soul.
Learn tools to unwind frozen tension so rigid patterns and identities become unstuck.
Practice widening your range and capacity for expression, and fearlessly unleash your voice!
Become more alive in your wild feminine.
Discover find your own sovereign path of mysticism, spirituality & embodiment.
Tap into the bone-deep sensuality of what it is to exist in a human body while also being intimately connected to the cosmic web.
Learn how to access your own inner wisdom and power, discover hidden parts of your Self, and fully claim your unique magic.
Journey together with other women walking this path; fast-track your learning & be witnessed and supported.
I am very grateful that life brought Michelle into my life! She guided me to such depths and she helped me to meet and to embrace myself & my feminine power even more!
- Viktoria
Gift yourself at least a session with Michelle, so that you could experience a piece of the transformation you could have while working with her. It was so powerful and I released so much!
- Valeria
Michelle has an immensely powerful & compassionate presence that is both activating & nourishing.
- Jenna
Archetypes are doorways into ancient collective power and wisdom. They already exist within all of us as aspects of unconscious knowledge. By invoking the rich depth & experience of all the women before us, we awaken new dimensions of Self and bring them alive in our own bodies.
Wild Woman
Dark Goddess
High Priestess
Combine multidimensional feminine wisdom with embodiment practices for a powerful alchemical learning process.
Take an experiential journey with each of the archetypes and learn how to come deeper IN to the body.
Live informal Q&A, sharing, connection, coaching & whatever else wants to come through
Immerse in the transformative power of the collective journey in our private Facebook group. Ask questions, share vulnerably, witness and be witnessed in your processes.
A toolbox of recorded teachings and embodiment practices on each archetype to keep and use so that you can continue to anchor in the wisdom you receive during and after the immersion is over.
Content for each of the modules to deepen your exploration and understanding.
Surprise Bonus Gift!
You can add 3x private 1:1 feminine embodiment coaching sessions with Michelle. These sessions can be focused on any aspect of life.
Is there an area you struggle with that you know, if you could just shift the energy there, your whole experience of life would change?
If you need deeper support to get unstuck, do some transformative healing, get moving on a vision, access clarity, or just receive personalized guidance, this is the option for you!
This is also perfect if you feel the call to working with me but aren’t ready to make the leap on my more in depth 1:1 container.
Rediscover the holy wilds of your own soul
Break out of the too-small life with sacred rebellion
Reclaim the forbidden
Initiate yourself as the sovereign pathworker of your own life
Journey to the underworld to meet the Dark Goddess
Reclaim the sacred feminine forces of destruction, chaos, and the liminal.
Learn the feminine mysteries of descending & ascending, of death & rebirth, of how to walk the void.
Experience a felt sense of touching the Great Mystery
Hold the polarity of being both fully human and fully divine
Embody an orientation to the mystery and magic
Learn how vision and make manifest in the 3D
Remember yourself as co-creator with the universe
Claim the power of your directed will & awakened heart to weave reality
Command the universal forces with your embodiment
Know yourself as she who is pleasure, radiance, and abundance
Redefine pleasure and eros as we dance in the feminine mysteries of receptivity and aliveness
Arrive more fully back home in your body
Our first practice call includes an introduction to the archetypes and a group initiation
Introducing and embodying the Wild Woman archetype
Introducing and embodying the Dark Goddess archetype
Introducing and embodying the High Priestess archetype
Introducing and embodying the Sorceress archetype
Introducing and embodying the Empress archetype
Anchor in the work we do and carry it forward to keep creating a bigger experience of life.
We will meet to support you in integration
It’s time to stir things up around you; you’re no longer satisfied to leave things as they are.
You want to remember who you are and liberate a more true version of Self.
You know you’re a mystic at heart.
You want to reclaim your longing & desire as a sacred path towards love, beauty, and liberation.
You want to embody a relentless trust in your creative magic as an agent of change in shaping a more true and beautiful world.
These five archetypes define the arc of the mythic feminine journey I personally travelled over the past 6 years. Each one visited me intimately as a teacher and guide. Sometimes they gently held my hand and led me forward, and other times they pushed me into the unknown - impatiently sighing, or else cackling with an amused glint in their eyes.
This is my path to embodiment & what I am here to share with you after a lifetimes-long cosmic soul road trip.
I came into this life a wind spirit - skating across the land, not really grounded or tethered to the earth or being incarnated here. The pain of being uprooted lives in my female lineage: my Great Grandmother left her home and family behind in Ireland at age 14 to travel to America during the famine, and all the way back to my Celtic ancestors whose spiritual traditions were wiped out by the Romans & dissolved into Christianity.
It’s my dharma to learn how to plant myself here. I’m learning how to walk my soul all the way into my body. And I’m here to walk beside you on this mystical feminine path to reclaim a sovereign spirituality that is no longer divorced from your body.
On one level this is about the wild feminine journey of reclaiming the soft animal of the body; about coming deeper IN to the visceral experience of incarnation, down through the dirt all the way to the bones.
On another level it’s about opening to the mystical gnosis that lives in your heart and soul. Those things you glimpse out of the corner of your eye; the moments you suddenly find yourself staring into the Great Mystery; what you just simply KNOW with the deepest part of yourself.
And on an even deeper level, it’s about how we create the world by first bringing our visions alive in our bodies.
We walk this path to write a new story about being both fully human and fully divine.
It’s not a story about sin and ascension to some purified light realm. I’m very tired of sterilized love & light mindset manifestation & affirmations. No.
Ours is a tale of becoming wider to encompass All That Is, where the wild body is holy, where lust and sensuality are sacred.
It’s about coming deeper DOWN & IN to being a bloody, messy, ecstatic human.
It’s a story about how to walk with grace through the entire cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and the wisdom of the liminal void of darkness from which the entire cosmos is born.
It’s about remembering yourself as the one who creates the world, who can access and command cosmic source energy to birth realities.
We are in a phase of dissolution where the wisdom of the feminine mysteries is deeply needed medicine: how to be wholly in our bodies, how to be with death and decay, how to go into the unknown with deep trust, how to sense the seeds of what wants to be born, how to tend the roots, how to ascend, how to birth.
The more beautiful paradigms we desire for our children come alive through our own bodies first, and then we walk them onto the earth. These realities unfold in response to how we are being. This is the pathworking journey of the Wild Mystic Feminine.
Are you in?!
Take a mythic journey of feminine soul-making.
Access your own inner wisdom and power.
Discover hidden parts of your Self and fully claim your unique magic.
Michelle is a deeply empathetic and a gentle, capable leader, and took me through exercises that expanded my entire perception of myself.
- Sarah