Create Everyday Magic!
With The Secret Art of Breast Massage
My signature mini-course that teaches you evolutionary feminine embodiment tools to access more pleasure, sensitivity, and connection to your body in just a few minutes a day.
do you See other women embodying feminine pleasure, radiance, and flow, and wish you knew the secret to accessing this empowered state?

So many women…
…want to connect to their feminine essence but don’t have time or energy to learn a complicated system or make huge changes.
My love, there is an easy way to access feminine flow that doesn't require you to invest a lot of time and energy but has big results.
That’s exactly why I created The Secret Art of Breast Massage.
With this bite-size practice, you can learn an easy but powerful feminine embodiment tool that will give you more sensitivity, pleasure, and connection with your body in just a few minutes a day.
If you are hungry for a deeper connection to your sensuality...
If you want to uncover your truest essence…
But you just don’t have any more energy at the end of the day to make it happen, then this is for you.
So much of feminine embodiment on social media is lovely but aspirational.
We can’t all go on retreat to Bali for 3 months. We have kids to feed, creative projects to birth, empires to run, books that won’t write themselves, and on and on.
We need practical tools that work for our actual lives. And that’s what this course is!
The Secret Art of Breast Massage is for women like you who are interested in feminine embodiment and want a magical experience but don’t have a lot of time.
I created this to be as easy and accessible as possible so you can have an easy way to tap into the wellspring of creative energy that’s yours already, hidden under to-do lists and life’s demands.

Imagine what it would be like if you could…
Create everyday magic and access your feminine radiance and flow...
Feel your breasts as a source of empowerment and enjoyment...
Access more pleasure and sensitivity in your body…
Rewire your relationship with your breasts and your sensuality…
Create a deep well of nourishment in your body just for yourself…
And you could do all this in just a few minutes per day?!
Make these possibilities become reality…
Your breasts are part of your heart center, and massaging them helps open your heart to the flow of loving energy in and out of your body.

I know you probably have endless demands on your attention and time, and a lot of self-growth work feels like just another drain on your energy. It feels like more work!
Maybe you are very disconnected from your body, your pleasure, or your sexuality and you don’t know where to start.
And if you’re like many women I speak to, you probably have some negative patterns, shame, or trauma related to your breasts, your sexuality, or your pleasure.
You might carry pain and resentment from being touched in ways you didn’t like.
You might have only had your breasts used by others for pleasure, or by your babies for nourishment.
Perhaps your breasts have been medicalized or objectified.
You might feel you’re not sure how to connect with your feminine essence, even though you have a sense that something is missing.
You’ve spent so long distrusting your desires, eroticism, and sensuality - because that’s what you were taught - that it feels overwhelming to get back to your true essence.
With breast massage, you are self-nurturing,
sending your loving attention back towards yourself
instead of always sending it out to others, as we are in the habit of doing as women!

What you receive…
Video training and demonstration
Learn exactly how to do the practice and what shifts you can expect to experience…
Drop in meditation
Connect with your body and your intuition in just 5 minutes.
Heart activation
Turn on your heart and use it to superpower your practice.
Everyday Breast Massage
The basic practice - use it alone as your daily practice, or in combination with any or all of the other meditations for a deeper experience.
Self-love Supercharge
Activate a powerful frequency of self love in your body.
BONUS: Secret Magic Spotify Playlist
To inspire your practice.
What to do if you don’t have breasts, for any reason; if you don’t feel anything… or too much! And some coaching on resistance in self-care practices.
In a couple of hours you can learn the Secret Art of Breast Massage so you can…
Release old patterns, trauma, or shame
Build a reservoir of self-resourcing and nourishment
Balance your hormones
Clear stagnant or blocked energy in your heart center
Prevent the formation of cysts
Keep your vagina lubricated due to the stimulation of certain hormones
Rewire your breasts for pleasure and enjoyment
Develop a deep and sensual connection with your breasts
Experience more pleasure and sensitivity!

Hi, I’m Michelle.
As a feminine embodiment coach, I mentor women on the journey of connecting with the soul of the deep feminine. But I wasn’t always in this empowered place.
For a long time I was ashamed of my breasts and very disconnected from them. I developed early and got made fun of in grade school for having a woman’s body before everyone else. I always felt they were too big, not perky enough, and I was embarrassed for anyone to see them uncovered. That self-consciousness persisted until after I had my first baby.
My perspective on breasts in general changed a lot as I witnessed more and more nursing mothers and breasts of all shapes and sizes when I worked as a lactation counselor.
I saw so much heart-shattering beauty where there had been shame and disconnection. Really, really saw and felt it – not just lip service “beauty” but real, raw, true, messy, perfectly alive beauty.
Now, after seven years of nursing and two pregnancies, my breasts are no longer youthful, but I can honestly say I love them more than ever. A big part of me being able to say that is the practice of breast massage.
I learned about breast massage and started doing it about five years ago, around the time when my youngest stopped nursing, so it was really the perfect time for me to discover this practice.
I lost the purpose nursing gave my breasts, and that special connection to my baby, but breast massage provided a beautiful transition into a new relationship and connection with this area of my body.
Whether you feel positively, negatively, or neutral about your breasts…
do you ever touch them and give them special attention?
Does this idea sound crazy to you?
Breast massage is a very easy, beautiful, and accessible embodiment practice that you can do any time.
That’s why I created this course! So that you can have a powerful tool in your pocket to carry you on your journey without a ton of effort, in a way that resources you instead of being another thing that drains your energy.
I want to make this awakening accessible, and I want you to know that you can have an embodied experience of your own magic too, even if you don’t have a lot of time and energy to invest.
I have 10+ years of experience facilitating women’s work in the wellness space, postpartum support, embodiment, and feminine leadership.
My gift is an intuitive ability to call forth the unique wisdom of your body. And I want to help you do it in a way that’s easy and accessible - creating everyday magic!
I am a sensitive, deeply embodied intuitive, and I’m here for the true empowerment, sovereignty, and liberation of all beings. I walked this path of transformation. Now I’m here to share one of the most impactful tools so you can access your feminine radiance and flow in a way that feels easeful and nourishing to your body and your life.

+ I don’t have time
The Everyday Breast Massage is only a 5 minute practice. I want you to feel resourced by this practice, not like it’s another drain on your time and energy! That’s why I made these powerful practices into bite-size chunks, so you can pick and choose what you feel like & have time for. You can do the full practice (about 20 minutes), or you can choose one or two parts. For example, one day you might just do the Drop In and the Everyday Breast Massage. Maybe another day you only have time for one thing and you pick the Self Love Supercharge. You’re empowered to do only what you enjoy and have time for!
+ I don’t feel much at all in my breasts
Then this is the perfect practice to learn and incorporate into your life! It’s designed to rewire your breasts for pleasure and enjoyment, and to increase your sensitivity!
+ I get really stuck in my head
This is so common. You’re not alone! That’s why I am including a Drop In meditation that only takes 5 minutes and will connect you to your body in a way you might have never experienced before. This is a simple and powerful practice that you can do any time you feel like the energy is stuck in your head.
+ I don’t like my breasts
Even if you don’t like your breasts, massaging them helps open your heart center to the flow of loving energy in and out of your body, and to direct it towards your breasts. Your hands and palms are an extension of your heart center, and with breast massage, you are also self-nurturing, sending your loving attention back towards yourself and your breasts. The result is a rewiring of your relationship with your breasts to one of empowerment and enjoyment, no matter what you’ve experienced in relation to them before.
+ I don’t have breasts / I had a mastectomy
If you don’t have breasts for any reason, you can still do this massage, since the energetic center of your breasts is still present. You can work with this area from a place of love and keep the energy moving to keep your heart center open and your chest healthy.
+ I feel uncomfortable about touching my breasts
This is very normal and common. It can feel uncomfortable in the beginning to touch your own breasts. Many women have only had their breasts touched by doctors or their partners. This is where your practice starts! I would invite you to notice right now what is coming up for you at the idea of massaging your breasts. Do you feel some embarrassment? Shame? Resistance? Does your mind jump in to say you don’t have time for that or it sounds silly? Be present with whatever thoughts, emotions, memories, or ideas come up for you around this. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could shift these thoughts and feelings to ones of empowered enjoyment?
+ How long does it take
The talk and demo to learn the practice is about 25 minutes. There is a bonus Q&A that is about 20 minutes long, broken into sections so you can choose to listen to only what’s relevant to you. The Everyday Breast Massage is only 5 minutes. This is your basic practice to incorporate as often as you want into your regular self care routine. For example, I like to do it when I get out of the shower with some yummy body oil. There are 3 other practices included in case you want to deepen your practice: the Drop In, the Heart Activation, and the Self-love Supercharge. You can do them all together, or pick and choose which ones you’re in the mood for. You will receive one longer meditation that guides you through all four practices, and four individual recordings so you can just do one or two.
+ How long do I have access
These materials are yours to keep for life and you will be able to download the audios to your private library to access whenever you want.
+ How do I access the course
After you purchase, you will receive an email with a link to the course home page where you will see all your course materials. The meditations are hosted on soundcloud where you can listen or download to your own private library.
+ Do you offer refunds
Due to the digital nature of this product, we do not offer refunds.
For Women Who…
…want to experience more enjoyment and pleasure in their breasts.
…are hungry for a deeper connection to their sensuality.

...want to uncover their truest essence.
...are interested in embodiment but don’t have time to learn a complicated system or take an in depth course.
...want a powerful evolutionary experience but don’t have a lot of time.