I was kind of a mess! (Sharing part of my journey…)


When we talk about embodiment, we’re talking about coming fully into the body… fully into ourselves. But you might be thinking, “my body isn’t a very nice place to be… it doesn’t feel safe, or it hurts in there… why would I want to be more in there when it feels so bad?!”

Oh, my love. I can SO relate.

I know intimately what it’s like to not feel at home in my body. To not feel at home in this life, frankly, which was probably stemming from the former! 

It seemed very much like my body wasn’t a safe place to be… it was painful there. 

It felt like my body often betrayed me. 

It broke down unexpectedly, and didn’t function very well at times. 

It seemed like my body was out of control and chaotic and unpredictable. 

At that time, I had a lot of big emotions I didn’t know what to do with. I had a lot of grief in my body. I had a history of serious illness as a cancer survivor. I had a very difficult postpartum recovery and long-term postpartum depression. Looking back further, I spent a lot of time in my early 20s struggling with disordered eating & trying to control my weight and food and exercise that led me into a self-destructive spiral. I had a lot of digestive problems, probably as a result of my “frozen” emotional state. 

I was kind of a mess!

Honestly, becoming an embodied woman seemed not only unimaginable, it did not seem possible.

I know you can probably relate to at least some of what I share. This might be the first time you’ve heard of or considered the idea that you might be able to source a sense of grounded belonging INSIDE your own body. You might feel like I did: that your body is actually pretty chaotic and unpredictable, and not really a safe place to be at all.

But based on my own experience and that of my clients, it is possible to become an embodied woman. It is possible to discover and even expand a sense of safety and belonging in your body. Even if you’re starting where I was, from a place of feeling like that would be impossible.

And the results are so incredibly worth it. Imagine feeling fully aligned with your feminine power. Imagine understanding deeply the core truth of who you are and what you desire, and knowing how to get there. Imagine feeling an unshakeable awareness of the innate wisdom in your body.

When you embark on this journey, you find yourself expanding in different areas of your life. You find you are calling in relationships that resonate with your authentic self, and showing up in ways that empower everyone in your sphere of influence. You find yourself moving into attunement with your purpose.

You’re here for a reason! If the idea of this work is resonating with you, and you feel something stirring in your soul, then I invite you to consider that feminine embodiment coaching may be calling you forward into a bigger experience of life. Into your own sovereignty, power, and greatness.

The most potent way to work with me is in my three-month mentorship. This program is designed to guide you in the most aligned and easeful way, to live a juiced-up life that turns you all the way on! Even if you’re starting on empty like I was. You will learn the most effective tools and modalities there are to get you out of chaos and uncertainty, and to bring you home to yourself. You will no longer feel like you’re riding in the back seat of a life that’s unfulfilled. 

We will dive deep together in biweekly 1:1 sessions to unblock all the things that are keeping you stuck, lost, and confused. You will claim your true desires and move towards embodied goals in a way that honors your essential feminine nature, so that you can manifest with clarity and ease.

By the end of our time together, you will have a full toolkit of easy practices to carry forward so you never have to feel lost – you will know how to get yourself unlost no matter what the circumstances.


If you just want a taste of feminine embodiment and how I work, I would love to invite you for a free 30-minute mini-session. I love connecting with women in these mini-sessions, introducing them to this powerful work, and seeing things get activated for them! There’s no pressure to sign up at the end so don’t let that hold you back from booking.


What if coming home to your body – coming home to yourself – was one of the best decisions of your life?

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PS: If you read all this way, then I KNOW you feel a pull in your heart to embark on a wild journey of awakening to your truth. Remember that investing in yourself grows exponentially in value over time. Where could you be a year from now if you say YES to yourself? Book your free mini-session now!

PPS: If you have a pressing situation weighing on you and you want some deep, focused support to get you unstuck and moving forward with clarity, then you can book a single 90-minute deep dive here. If you want more than one session, you can book a package of four sessions here. This is a great way to make a shift or move forward towards a goal, in a loving, supportive, and feminine way.