Are you ready to attract your King?


Many women I speak to want their relationship to reflect the fullest expression of their hearts. 

They want their partner to meet them in their deepest levels of feeling. 

They want to be seen and cherished in their allness - and known as the love that they experience pulsing in the depths of their being. 

They want their oceanic feeling, sensing selves to be held and contained. 

They want to be penetrated by the embodiment of conscious presence. 

They want to be ravished open beyond their edges, all the way to God.

In other words, they want to be in relationship with a man who fully embodies the Divine Masculine.

If you want to be in partnership with a man who embodies the Divine Masculine, whether you are in a relationship and wish your current partner would step up, or you’re dating and hoping to attract your King, let me ask you a question…

Wherever you are right now, whatever you’re doing, stop for a moment. 

Feel your feet on the ground. 

Notice your breath. 

Soften your jaw and your belly. 

Look up from your screen. 

Now imagine being in the presence of the Divine Masculine right now. Imagine He’s here. God, Buddha, Jesus, Shiva - whatever form you like to imagine. Imagine He’s standing right there, looking at you.

Notice what happens in your body at this thought. Are you ready to receive Him? Are you ready for him to worship and cherish you?

Or perhaps you contracted a little at the idea - I’m in no state to receive the presence of God! 

If it’s the second one, I see you, and I feel you. Until recently, my default answer would be: I might want to hide, I am not ready to be seen by the Divine Masculine!

The next time you’re with a man you’re attracted to, consider - How would you behave if you were in the presence of the Divine Masculine?

How would you show up if you were in the presence of God?

And are you showing up with THIS man, the one in front of you, in that way? 

Are you showing up to THIS MOMENT in that way? 

Are you showing up to LIFE in that way?

If you start to show up as if you are in the presence of the Divine Masculine, I guarantee your whole experience of relationship would change. Call it manifestation, call it the law of attraction, call it whatever you want – but it’s true.

What happens when you start showing up in the way you would in the presence of the Divine, is that you call up something different in your own body, and you call forth something different from the men you are relating to. You evoke something different from the world around you. 

Whatever is not in resonance with that falls away, and the occurring reality arises to meet you in a different way. 

If you didn’t feel a big, open YES when I asked you to imagine the Divine Masculine standing there looking at you a moment ago, what would need to happen for you be ready and able to RECEIVE Him? 

Part of my own growth in this was realizing that even though I said I wanted to be held and met by the embodiment of masculine presence, when it was offered to me, my first impulse was to push it away and deflect because it’s so intense. 

I wanted to be seen and penetrated on this very deep level, but my body, my nervous system, my energetic and emotional bodies, couldn’t handle it. I just didn’t have the capacity, despite everything I previously thought about myself. As much as I wanted it, I wasn’t truly able to receive it.

Underneath my impulse to deflect the intensity by making a joke, or changing the subject, was the part of me that wanted to run away and hide like a little girl – don’t see me! Don’t perceive me in this way. Don’t see all the parts I’m not sure are good enough… Don’t penetrate my vulnerable heart with that laser beam of your presence! 

I had to take care of that little girl within. I had to unpack all the ways my worth was tied to external things (I’m still on that journey!). I had to build capacity, receptivity, and openness in my system.

You have to get lucid about who you need to be to truly meet the Divine Masculine. What would need to shift? What would need to be true in YOUR body? This is your path of growth. 

In fact, the truth is, every man is an emanation of the Divine Masculine. Just as every woman is an emanation of the Goddess. That doesn’t mean every man is your King, just that when we start to pay attention, we find that we can meet and feel and receive the Divine Masculine everywhere, all around us.

But as it is, most of the time we behave as if it’s somewhere else. Somewhere we need two get to, out there, when we’re finally ready, good, enough

We think we’ll show up differently when it’s here… No! The way you show up to this moment is the way you show up to HIM.

You don’t find the King and then become ready. You first become the one who can receive and meet the Divine Masculine and then he appears. The path to your King is an inner journey.

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