Breaking Down the Biggest Myth in Personal Growth - You Don’t Need More Healing


I’m gonna get real with you and challenge one of the biggest myths of personal growth: the narrative that you need to heal yourself. 


You know the story… before you can realize your greatness you need to:


  • Heal your throat chakra so your expression isn’t blocked.

  • Heal your childhood wounds so you can finally have the relationship you desire.

  • Heal your mindset so you can attract abundance.

  • Heal a past trauma so you can claim your power. 


There may be plenty that is worthwhile in healing work. But underneath the surface, these messages are saying:


  • You’re not enough.

  • Something is fundamentally broken in you.

  • You need to be fixed.

I want you to know it’s not true. You’re not broken, and you don’t need to be fixed.


The truth at the heart of you, when you peel back all the layers, is that you already are whole. You are enough, just as you are. Whether your chakras are balanced or not.


When you meet your authentic self – this timeless one who lives in your very deepest heart – you feel the tender truth that you already are perfectly whole and enough.


When you are able to embody this truth, you are free to expand from that place into whatever you desire to create. 


  • Clarity and wisdom arise from this embodied truth of wholeness. 

  • Your actions align with your full self-worth. 

  • You develop an unshakeable sense of trust in your own inner knowing. 

  • You are able to expand into greater potential and brilliance.


And, yes, along the way, there will be some challenges. You will come face to face with your own shadow. This is a natural part of this human incarnation. It doesn’t mean you are broken and need to be fixed. It means you’re alive in a body.


Challenges come up because you are growing beyond your current understanding. They are calling to be acknowledged and loved and integrated as part of your journey in this life. 


When you meet these challenges from the core truth of your wholeness and enoughness, you are empowered to move through them with ease. 


Embodying the authentic truth of your innate wholeness and full self-worth, your focus then becomes expanding into greater and greater possibility. 


Your focus becomes shining more of your beautiful brilliance out into the world. 


So tell me, have you been waiting until xyz is “fixed” before you can fully enjoy life? Is this idea of needing healing holding you back?


If so, then it might be time to free yourself and step into a new paradigm of embodying the inherent wholeness and worthiness in your deepest heart.

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