Liberate Your Voice and Claim the Unique Resonance of Your Sound Frequency

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Our karmic journey is a mix of personal and ancestral experiences.

Some of it is from this lifetime - early childhood experiences, our family + parentage, our early choices, etc.

Some of it from our own past incarnations.

And some from intergenerational baggage - the things that happened to our ancestors - patterns that carry forward repeatedly from generation to generation.

Many who are walking the planet right now are here to be the pattern-breakers, the wayforgers. Often the first in our lineage to become conscious of karmic loops, and certainly the first to be able to disrupt them.

And for many, many woman-identified folk, the throat chakra is a major point of healing and transformation.

A medicine portal, where challenges become the alchemical fire of transformation and healing. 

We are the first generation of women who can begin to unwind the patriarchal colonization of the feminine where women’s wisdom and voices were suppressed and repressed. Where it was literally unsafe to be a woman with a powerful voice.

Our bodies and the bodies of our children were hunted, imprisoned, tortured, and killed for sharing wisdom, using our voices, and speaking truth. The memories of this violence and repression live in our bones, in our cells.

And it’s at the level of the body where we get to do the alchemical work of transmuting these memories from lead into gold by reclaiming our voices and unblocking our throat chakras.

My own sound-current journey

I have known for a long time that healing my throat chakra was something I came into this life to do. But I only recently became conscious of just how deep this karma goes for me. 

I had no obvious trauma in my childhood. My throat chakra issues stem from a mix of past life experiences and repression in my female lineage.

At the age of 26, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and underwent a total thyroidectomy and radiation.

In other words, I literally had a large chunk of my throat chakra cut out of my body. 

It wasn’t until years later that I was able to connect the dots and realize that a lot of patterns playing out in my life, including my cancer, were related to my throat chakra.

Things like:

  • Knowing what my truth is and being able to claim it

  • Expressing myself fully 

  • Allowing my real self to be truly seen 

  • Feeling heard + understood (I often felt like no one listened to me.)

  • Using my voice and my words to create an effect in the world

  • Using my voice to claim space & set clear boundaries

Today I want to share with you the three most impactful parts of my journey of unblocking, healing, and integrating my throat chakra.

  1. Embodied and somatic practices  

I believe the most important devotion for anyone on a path of self-discovery, healing, and growth, is to connect with our bodies.

The body is the only instrument we have to play in this life. It is literally the medium through which we experience all that is + being a human in this Earth realm. 

The problem is, most of us are out of practice with connecting to our bodies and their wisdom.

We’ve been conditioned to ignore our bodies for generations. Especially as women, we were taught that our bodies are chaotic and unpredictable, probably sinful, and maybe even dangerous. We were taught that our bodies are an afterthought or a liability to progress or spiritual growth – that they are expendable.

There’s a lot to unpack there. Reconnecting takes some practice. It is a skill anyone can learn though. 

This is where it all begins. In order to heal your throat chakra, and be fully expressed, you must first claim and acknowledge your voice - the resonance of your sound current. Your unique vibrational frequency. That can only happen in and through the body. 

Practically speaking, this often looks like me making a lot of noises while rolling around on the floor doing the feminine embodiment practice I teach, called Sensual Flow. 

This is how I practice allowing my voice and expression to become wild and free again. I let sound arise from what’s present inside my body.

I make sounds from my belly, from my heart, from my cervix, from my womb. I make sounds from my pain and my pleasure and my rage. I let my sound vibrate inward to open channels and move energy within.  I let my sound current carry outward, to express, release, and shift my reality. 

If the very idea of this is making your throat close up and your pelvic floor tighten, then this is definitely a practice for you to explore!

Not gonna lie, this is a challenging one.  

It’s not too hard to get someone to try an embodied movement practice or breathwork. But to explore sounding can be confronting.

It can feel really strange, vulnerable, and even unsafe to make sounds. Especially since women are harmed or punished for using their voices, even today.

But in my experience, this is such an important and worthwhile practice for healing and opening the throat chakra. 

You can start slow and gentle, by simply taking a deep breath and making an audible exhale: “Haaaaaaaah.”

After a few minutes of playing with that, you might begin to unearth some frozen tension lodged in your body, and you might see if you feel inspired to growl, yell, moan, or laugh out loud. Follow whatever impulses come through your body. 

There’s no right way to do this, it’s not a performance, and it’s not supposed to look a certain way. Make sounds for sounds’ sake. Move the energy. See what it opens in you. Repeat.

2. Pussy + cervix de-armoring & sexual energy work in general

You might be confused – what does your pussy have to do with this?! 

In short… everything.

Your cervix and your throat are connected, physically via the vagus nerve which runs from the cervix up through your heart and your throat, and energetically as holographic portals. 

If you look at an illustration of the musculature of the throat/vocal chords and the pelvis/cervix, they even look the same. The two go hand in hand, and healing happens in tandem. 

If you have a blocked throat chakra, chances are really good that you have some sexual energy blocks, and vice versa. 

And when you begin to unwind tension in one, the other also responds.  

Women carry so much tension, shame, fear and distorted energy in our cervixes and pussies.

All of that same tension is directly reflected in our inability to use our voices, to claim and speak truth, to set clear boundaries, say yes and no, and to powerfully create and manifest our desires in the world.

When you start working with sexual energy, you’ll notice a lot of that coming to the surface. Pussy and cervical de-armoring is a fast track to opening your throat chakra. 

I would even argue that you can’t go very far with one while neglecting the other.

  • You can only go so far in working with your sexual energy if your throat chakra is still blocked;

  • You can only clear your throat chakra to the extent you have worked through sexual healing. 

The first seismic shifts I experienced in my life (and in my journey with my throat chakra) happened when I started working with a jade egg and awakening and dearmoring my pussy and cervix. 

Before that, I couldn’t even use my voice to speak my desires into the world because, like many women I meet, I had no idea what I wanted! I was so disconnected from my body and my self that I lost the geography on who I actually wanted to be in the world. 

When I started claiming my sexual energy, I wasn’t doing it to heal my throat chakra. It was just because I wanted more pleasure. But I discovered that by dearmoring my pussy and opening up my lower chakras and my sexual energy, I found a medicine portal for claiming my desire and speaking my truth. 

I discovered that opening the divine feminine gateways of pleasure, wisdom, and creation in my pussy, cervix, and womb had the result of opening my throat chakra in ways I didn’t even know needed to happen. 

3. Multidimensional integration & healing

Even with all the work I did, it often felt like I couldn’t make any permanent progress. It would be two steps forward and one step back. It was slow going. I had results, but the old ghosts still haunted me more heavily than I liked. 

My journey led me to become an embodiment coach, through which I developed the skills of allowing myself to be guided to the next step on my path, and trusting things to unfold in a non-linear and mysteriously feminine way. 

I became very sensitive to my intuition.

I opened my channel to the GPS (Great Pussy in the Sky, as Mama Gena calls it!), aka the quantum, the universe, god.

And I developed the courage and ovaries to take action on the impulses I received, and allow myself to be guided by these wisdom portals. (I teach this alchemical witchcraft, by the way!)

That’s how I was led, through a series of synchronicities, to an Akashic healer. Without knowing my history, she told me I had past life programming blocking my throat chakra, and as part of that, I had a tear in my energetic field at my throat where energy could easily leak out.

This was a freaky bit of information to hear, since I literally had the physical manifestation of this cut in my throat when I had my thyroid surgically removed. No wonder all the work I did always felt like it didn’t fully stick.

I received an energetic healing from her to repair my auric field and to cut any cords to past lives or entities related to this. And I’m not gonna lie, I felt a shift in my energy and my ability to use my voice afterwards.

Here’s the thing, though, and a point where I differ from many energy healers: it’s not enough to simply passively receive an energetic healing.

We have to then take embodied action to support this healing and ground it into the physical, 3D Earth plane. To integrate it into our bodies in a visceral, somatic way. 

I’ve been in that process for the last 6 months or so, and seen more progress than in the previous 6 years with this combination of energetic healing and embodiment. 

If you have a similar journey, your most potent healing will also be multidimensional.

I fully believe our embodiment is the foundation that underpins all the other work we do. It supercharges all other modalities. 

And we are multidimensional beings, so working in multiple dimensions of our being is pure magic.

Trust the wisdom of your body to lead you to the next thing in your journey - the next mentor, the next healer, the next piece of information, course, or book. And if you want support with the embodied action and integration piece, that’s totally my jam.

This is sacred and powerful work.

It’s messy and uncomfortable and scary at times. Speaking from experience, it’s intense as hell when you can feel the energy of so many women and ancestors channeling through you to be liberated. It can be destabilizing to relationships when your throat chakra begins to open after being blocked for lifetimes.

Yet we must do this work not only for ourselves, but to liberate our lineage. Those who came before, and our daughters, and their daughters. We do it to shift karma. 

Everything you do to heal and open your own throat chakra creates ripples in the collective grid. As within, so without; as above, so below.

In this way, we bring about a new paradigm by literally birthing it through our bodies, through what we are embodying, and through how we are BE-ing. THAT’S the witchcraft made possible by awakening your Creatrix Consciousness & reclaiming your voice!

Now I want to hear from you. How does this land in your body? Let me know in comments!

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