Embody Your Lusty Inner B*tch!

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I used to feel like my desire was too f*cking big. It seemed like an energy roaring through my chest. 

Not only did the things I wanted seem out of reach, but the wanting of them itself felt overpowering.



Out of control. 

I felt like a tigress in a cage. Like if I “got out”, with all of my lusty, naughty, sweaty desires, I might actually destroy everything and everyone around me - the magnitude felt so dangerous.

I felt if I let my true desires out, bad things might happen. I felt bad for even wanting in the first place. (I have so much, can’t I just be happy with what I have?)

I couldn’t even tell you exactly what I wanted! I was scared shitless to look my desire in the face. 

It seemed like iIf I opened the box to peek inside, a torrent might come rushing out uncontrollably. I doubted my ability to wrestle it back under control.

I was raised on a steady diet of Good Girl and Disney princess - we all were - be sweet and pretty and everything will be happy ever after. Don’t inconvenience anyone, be temperate, make sure others are comfortable. Be “marriageable” and find a good man - the culmination of your life!

I was so deeply unsatisfied living in this little box of politeness that I suspected I might actually be a bottomless pit. I worried I might lose control if I got a taste of what I deeply desired. 

I broke the fck out of this box long ago now, and even though I am still in the messy middle in so many ways, let me tell you the air is sweet out here. It’s much more fun to enjoy the erotic tension of my desires (and not just sexual ones) than it is to be afraid to even fully claim and name them.

I can also tell you that your desires are NOT TOO BIG. You are not too much, and you don’t want too much.

It’s just that you’re so starved and ungratified - for attention, for being cared for, for sensual gratification - that it feels much bigger than it really is. 

You are going to be afraid when you start to veer off the path of least resistance. It *is* risky. You have to face the fear of FULLY CLAIMING what you want, and the chance that other people might be uncomfortable. You have to confront all the emotions around what if you actually get the thing?! 

Desire is the powerfully magnetic and magical space from which we CREATE and BIRTH and ACTUALIZE! 

No one ever had an epic life, or changed the world, or made history without first being a lusty bitch who DESIRES! So I invite you to let yourself start to fully feel your longing. Eroticize it. Revel in it. 

And then begin to feed it. Let nothing stop you. Fill yourself up until you’re satisfied. And then look for more. YESSSS. 

Get on my schedule and I’ll tell you how to claim your inner lusty bitch!

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