Free Will Is An Illusion

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

I’m about to share some things about freedom and “free will” that might be confronting and uncomfortable. But I’m guessing you’re not following my work because I make you comfy! You’re following me because I disrupt the usual thought forms in a way that feels like remembering. Because I say things that echo in your soul with the ring of deep truth.

So let me ask you: Are you free? Do you have free will?

Are you sure?

The idea that humans should be free, and that we all have free will is considered a given. It’s a foundation of Western philosophical, societal, and religious traditions. Especially if you’re American and/or Christian by faith or by culture!

But the truth is, free will is an illusion for the majority of people. Most people are not operating with free will. Most humans are actually operating out of patterns of control that they are swept up in without even realising. 

Like apps that open automatically and run in the background of your operating system, these cultural, familial, religious, media, etc patterns govern your thinking and decisions. And usually they are running unconsciously & unexamined - meaning you haven’t considered if these are ideas and values you want to be creating your life from; if they are yours. 

Most of us aren’t really free.

And guess what? Most people don’t actually even want to be free.

They don’t want this free will, this true freedom - because true freedom implies radical responsibility. Most people don’t want the burden of ultimate responsibility that is inherent in true sovereignty.

There’s no judgement here, I promise. I get it. Let’s face it, assuming radical responsibility isn’t an easy path to walk. It’s an initiation into your full humanity because it requires you to know and re-integrate all the fragmented parts of your truest essence. It’s an initiation into autonomy and maturity because it requires taking ultimate responsibility for your experience of life. 

I suspect you’re already conscious of all this - you wouldn’t be here reading this right now if you hadn’t taken the red pill already - if you didn’t already choose the courageous path of awakening and reclaiming your freedom and sovereignty.

Deep down you know you’re here to break patterns.

To re-wild, and excavate your true self. You know, The One who is stuck beneath the noise of programming, beliefs, and traumas; under collective life experiences, under everything you're carrying from your ancestral lineage and past incarnations. The One buried deep down under jobs and relationships and jeans that don’t quite fit.

Even if you are already on the path of claiming your true freedom and sovereignty, it’s still a struggle to make the necessary hard choices that true freedom and radical responsibility require, because they often go against the grain. Sometimes it seems easier to numb out the truth in your body than to step fully into sovereignty and freedom. (Until it’s not, and if you’re in that rock bottom, dark night of the soul place, hmu cause I can help you through.)

It can also be a struggle because life in the muggle matrix is a labyrinth of forgetting! The world is constantly hypnotizing you into forgetting who you really are and why you came here. Pulling you into the status quo of “ok enough” and “everyone says”. Forgetting that you are an emanation of the generative force of life itself - a powerful multidimensional Creatrix!

In one sense, this Remembering is truly The Work.

This wisdom and knowledge, this gnosis, it already lives within you and within your body.

It’s yours to claim.

It isn’t easy - it’s a process that takes time, and enormous courage.

It’s not for the faint hearted! It certainly isn’t all love and light, which is why I often talk about the darker (or shadow) aspects of this journey. You can read more about this in my article Dancing With Mystery & The Dark Goddess

You can learn to bring the unconscious into consciousness so you can work with it and have real agency over your experience of life. You can learn to become sensitive to the truth in your body, to excavate your deepest essence, and to live from that place. To become truly free and sovereign. It’s my passion and my mission on this planet to guide and support you in this journey! 

Remembering” (Re- membering, or putting back together the pieces of the whole) is one of the reasons we have a practice, by the way. Your embodiment practice, your spiritual practice, they are your Rituals of Remembering what is true in your body. They connect you with your wholeness, with your true freedom, sovereignty, and power. So you can show up to life with your deepest heart online, not confused about what needs to happen next for yourself or the world.

This is how we create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

It becomes inevitable when we recognise ourselves as co-creators of a new and unfolding collective reality. When we understand that we are literally creating this reality with how we are BE-ing; we are creating it through our embodiment.

As within, so without.

And the more of us that are awakening to truth, the more these new paradigms become activated and anchored on the planet.

I’m not saying we need to birth a new paradigm, I’m saying it’s already there for the taking! It’s waiting for us to awaken to it. It’s waiting to be realized. It’s waiting for us to stop playing out the distorted matrices of control, and instead begin to come from the Truth. It’s waiting for us to come home to ourselves.

The beauty in this is that there’s nothing “out there” for you to do. The work is in here: coming home to Self, Remembering, and activating the frequency of true sovereignty and freedom in your body. Not the half asleep sense of free will most people think they have, but real freedom. Sovereignty that arises from an embodied connection to Self. 

This is already unfolding, you just need the courage and awareness to show up for it. To remember that you are the medicine.

With love, Michelle

PS - You don’t have to do any of this alone. Sovereignty doesn’t mean solitude, it means interdependence. The Awakened Queen isn’t in it for or by herself, she’s operating on behalf of the collective, via liaison and alliance. She’s supported by the right people. We’re in it together, and everything becomes so much easier with guidance! If you aren’t sure about long term mentorship but you are feeling the desire to take action, why not book a single Soul Alchemy Session? And let me know if this blog post resonates with you!

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