How to get more of everything!


Most of us get hung up on this to some extent. But when we have a hard time receiving, we are blocking the flow of abundance, success, joy, and juiciness that is available to us.


When something is coming to us, such as: 

  • Praise

  • Compliments

  • Pleasure

  • Opportunities

  • Or even our own creative impulses…

our first reaction is to CONTRACT + DEFLECT rather than opening + allowing it to land deeply and be received fully.


We very often experience some version of:

  • “I don’t deserve this.”

  • “I’m not really that great.”

  • “They’re just blowing smoke…”

Or also…

  • Guilt

  • Unworthiness

  • Shame

  • Or even fear.


But you can unwind these layers of tension and stories that block you from receiving. You can teach your body and nervous system to receive more + more deeply. You can open the faucet more for all the goodness to flow through.


The first step is to start paying attention to what happens in your body when something is coming to you. 

  • What do you feel or think when your friend tries to buy your coffee?

  • What do you do when someone pays you a compliment?

  • What happens in your body when your partner offers you pleasure?

  • How do you react when a boss or coworker says you did a good job?


Notice where you are contracting. Where are you deflecting? Where do you have walls up? 


This could be physically, emotionally, energetically, or mentally. You might notice an actual physical tension like your shoulders rolling forward or your stomach clenching. You might notice some emotions like guilt or shame, or even anger or fear. You might notice yourself pulling back energetically – avoiding a person or situation. Or you might notice thoughts spiraling around about whether you deserve this, whether you’re worth it, whether it’s fair or right that you should receive this.


The art of it lies in not making those contracting parts of yourself wrong. Recognize that the places where you are shut down around receiving are opportunities for growth. Chances for expansion. 


If we can open to fully feeling the places where we are contracting – to allow and even welcome the feelings underneath, we can create space to love ourselves back to wholeness. To integrate the lessons we find. And to open the aperture on our ability to receive. To open the floodgates to all the goodness that wants to flow to us.


Once you start to become aware of the ways you are shut down around receiving, then you can explore…

  • Where might I be able to relax a little more to receive more deeply?

  • Where can I soften to allow more in?

  • How could I create some space to let this really land? To let receptivity expand?


When my friend wants to buy my coffee, can I take a deep breath and remind myself that it’s ok to RECEIVE! Can I allow any uncomfortable sensations to be there, and also let this gift touch my heart with gratitude?


When someone pays me a compliment, can I allow the voice in my head to rattle off why it’s not true, and then relax open to receive their appreciation? Can I simply say “thank you” instead of brushing it off or denying it?


When my boss gives me praise, can I notice the fear I might feel bubbling up in response, and then allow the truth of the praise to really land in my body? 


You might also notice: Where am I receiving already that I’m not even paying attention to?

So often we can get so lost in the stories of our contraction around receiving that we don’t notice the many ways that things are in fact coming to us in abundance already. 


Maybe we feel the absence of a romantic partner so acutely that we hardly notice all the other ways we are receiving love. 


Perhaps we are so anxious about our salary that we can’t see all the other ways abundance is flowing to us in our lives.


What is your experience of receiving? Where do you feel it’s easy for you to receive and you feel fully worthy and deserving? Where do you feel it’s more challenging for you? Where could you relax or create some more space to receive more? Let me know in the comments!


PS: Do you want to try a FREE embodiment practice? Go here and download the guided meditation I created for you called Embody Your Feminine Wisdom to activate your intuition and drop in to your body’s wisdom!


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