Here's What An Embodied Woman Looks Like


I often hear from women “I’m too much in my head.” I’m sure you can relate! Our modern lives are a recipe for this.


Being in your mind is great when you need to get shit done, but when we spend too much time there, as nearly ALL of us do these days, things start to feel a little floaty. Maybe you’ve noticed feeling:

  • numb⁣⁣⁣⁣

  • lacking direction or purpose⁣⁣⁣⁣

  • longing for something but not sure what⁣⁣⁣⁣

  • searching for answers outside ourselves⁣⁣⁣⁣

  • using food, alcohol, social media to *feel something* .... or to NOT feel something 

  • lacking clear boundaries ⁣⁣⁣⁣(because we can’t FEEL our yes or no)

  • unsure of what we really want or how to get there...⁣⁣⁣⁣


I know I’ve felt all of these. Have you?

These are all signs of disembodiment.

When we are disembodied, most of our energy is up in our heads. We are disconnected from the feelings and sensations in our bodies. ⁣⁣⁣⁣


When we are not connected to our bodies - when we are DISembodied - we are not inhabiting our whole selves. ⁣⁣⁣⁣We are cut off from a whole lot of sensation and experience that makes up part of US!

But what does an embodied woman look like? And what does embodiment mean?


Put simply, embodiment means “inhabiting the body.”⁣⁣

This incredible body of yours is how you experience all of life! Through this body, you meet and make sense of the world. 

But so many of us are cut off from the body’s experience. Our modern lives of screens, hyper-productivity, constant mental stimulation, and sedentary living all contribute to this state of disconnection.

So what does it look like when we begin to develop the skills of embodiment, or inhabiting our bodies more fully?

++An embodied woman is skilled at bringing her energy and awareness down into her body. She is attuned to the wild expanse of sensation happening inside of her.++ 

Attunement to the landscape of the body’s experience is not valued in our world of prioritizing logic, linear productivity, the mind, and analysis. So many of us are unskilled in this. We haven’t been taught how to do it, and in fact we’ve probably spent most of our lives being taught to DISCOUNT the experience of our bodies. Especially as womxn, we’ve likely been taught that our bodies are chaotic, uncontrollable, and not to be trusted.

Yet, your body’s experience & your internal felt senses are part of the full spectrum of YOU. They are how you experience your life, and the world around you! 

++An embodied woman deeply trusts the innate wisdom in her body.++

Because you’ve likely been taught, or absorbed cultural messaging, that your body is not to be trusted, it’s hard to hear your inner knowing. It can be almost impossible to HEAR or sense your intuition, much less to rely on it to make decisions.

But the body never lies. The mind may have many stories and thought trains (some of which aren’t even yours). But the body has its own internal wisdom and knowing, if you are able to listen to it. It’s from this place that your authentic clarity and truth arises. 

Becoming embodied means developing the skill to connect to your inner knowing, and to trust it to guide you.

++Because an embodied woman can access her full range of sensations and emotions, she experiences more depth and fullness.++

We are taught that uncomfortable feelings are bad. To avoid feeling pain, we turn our sensitivity down. We numb out, or escape, or distract ourselves as we try to suppress the darker shades of sensations we were taught aren’t ok.

Or our negative emotions we tried to suppress explode out in really unhelpful ways (been there!).

But when we do this dance of distraction, we also become less sensitive to pleasure and joy.

We become habituated to inhabiting a narrow, safe, and approved range of sensations with few lows, but also few highs.  ⁣⁣⁣⁣

Becoming more embodied and sensitive to the landscape of your body’s experience is the most direct and powerful way of accessing a bigger experience of life!

It means living with more depth and fulfillment. Not only because you’re finally able to FEEL more of yourself, but because your life comes into alignment with the deepest truth of your being.

++An embodied woman is able to be vulnerable because she is connected to an internal sense of safety that arises from deep within.++

You might be wondering – what if there’s a lot of negative or uncomfortable sensations inside me?!

You’re right… becoming more sensitive to your full range of embodied feeling & sensation means you will experience some pain & darkness.

(Don’t worry, we use safe and grounded ways to move through the darkness so you never have to feel lost or overwhelmed.)

An embodied woman knows how to navigate both the darkness and the light. The feminine traverses both realms. It is in her nature as a cyclic being to move through the circle of death and rebirth. We do it every month with our menstrual cycles, and the moon does it as she waxes and wanes, and the earth does it as she moves from winter to summer.

The feminine does not fear the darkness. An embodied woman is able to welcome the darkness because she knows that is where all of creation is born. It is in that liminal space where all possibility exists.

An embodied woman is able to trust HER process and HER truth whether it is dark or light in this moment, knowing that contractions lead to birth.

++An embodied woman is fully aligned with her feminine power.++

An embodied woman reclaims the power of her feminine qualities instead of seeing them as liabilities. The feminism of our mothers meant women could do everything men could do, often adopting a “faux masculine” to balance the scales. The modern feminist is rising in her own feminine way, capitalizing on the powers of her feminine qualities - balanced but not needing to be “the same” as men.

An embodied woman understands her cyclic nature and how to use it in a powerful way to command her reality. She is able to access her feminine depth as her North Star. Her intuition, creativity, feeling, and flow are assets instead of liabilities.

As a feminine being, she understands that she is in relationship with all things - from her home to her business to her family - and her ability to nurture these relationships brings alignment to her creative projects. She is able to show up in ways that empower everyone in her sphere of influence.


++An embodied woman is magnetic and receptive, drawing her desires towards her with ease.++

Receptivity is the feminine principle of being energetically open to allow in our desires, and magnetically able to draw in things that are in alignment.

The moon receives the light from the sun and reflects it out to the universe. The egg receives the sperm, opening to the one of her choosing. A woman receives her lover into her body.

A woman embodying the fullness of her essential self is very magnetic. She doesn’t need to hustle and push to get what she wants. She only needs to BE more of herself, more in her pleasure, more in the authentic truth of her deepest heart, in order to magnetize her desires to her.

When you open to embrace all that you are, you also open to receive more from the world. More pleasure, more love, more friendship, more opportunity, and more abundance. And when you are connected to your essential self, what you draw in is aligned with your deepest truth.

Hell yes.

++An embodied woman is POWERFUL!!++


Embodiment is a journey to reclaim more of your being.

It feels like a remembering.

Like a coming home to yourself, to your depth, and to your truth.

The real secret of empowerment lies in this reclaiming.

Because when you are inhabiting your whole, real, authentic SELF, you are fully in your power.

If you’re here reading, then you know your soul is calling you on this path…

The world needs you in your power, embodying your truth, and expanding into greater possibility from this depth!

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