Are you ready to attract your King?

Many women I speak to want their relationship to reflect the fullest expression of their hearts. 

They want their partner to meet them in their deepest levels of feeling. 

They want to be seen and cherished in their allness - and known as the love that they experience pulsing in the depths of their being. 

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Michelle Lynn Comment
When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears

There might be a body sitting there, even telling you something, but no one can give you anything that’s not yours to apprehend, that’s not already there, waiting for you to have eyes to see it. 

The most enlightened master could be sitting before you right now, ready to give you all the secrets of the universe but until you are ready for the wisdom to unfold within your own being, you won’t be able to hear it. 

The only thing anyone can do, myself included, is show you the door. No one can walk through it for you.

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Michelle LynnComment
Can I trust the divine?

Underneath all those questions & many others is trust in the Divine, in God / Spirit / the Universe or however you like to refer to the force that moves all things. 

Why is it so hard to trust the divine? Because it asks us to rest in a deeper trust - a trust in something much larger and more unexplainable than we can understand. Something beyond the niceties of how the present moment plays out. 

It’s high spiritual practice to access your connection to the Divine & trust what comes. 

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Michelle LynnComment
How do we create real change?

Raise your hand if you ever passionately set a goal, promising yourself that this time, I’m sticking to it… only to “fall off the wagon” shortly after.

Yep, me too.

Creating real transformation in our lives isn’t always easy. Perhaps you’ve tried talk therapy, mindset, goal setting, or intention setting already and yet you’re still struggling.

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Michelle LynnComment
Feminine Power, Alchemy, and the Voice

My loves, what connection do you have with your breasts?

Are they a bothersome part of being a woman?

Are you always searching for the right clothes that will fit them, the right bra that feels comfortable enough, the right swimsuit that will support and cover enough?

Do they carry pain and hurt from being touched in ways they didn’t like?

Maybe you’re a woman or womxn who wishes they didn’t have breasts at all.

Or are your breasts a source of power for you? A source of enjoyment?

Do you like dressing them up and taking them out? :)

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