What is Magnetism? How to manifest as an embodied woman...


Probably the most common question people ask when they first discover my work is “what is magnetism?” 


The very short answer – magnetism is being able to draw your desires towards you, like a magnet. 


You might be thinking that sounds great, but how do you do that? What IS it, really? And HOW exactly does it work? 


Well, grab a cup of tea and settle in ‘cause I’m gonna break it down for you!


You’ve probably heard of manifesting or the law of attraction before. Magnetism is similar in that they are all about calling in your desires. But magnetism has some key differences that make it much more potent!


The law of attraction says that what you focus on will come to you. Your thoughts become your reality, and so to change your reality, you need to direct your mind.


Manifesting means bringing something into reality. Manifesting is the more masculine brother of magnetism. When you manifest, it’s a process of doing things to bring about your desire. It involves:


  • Making a plan,

  • Asking for what you want and writing a list to call it in,

  • Working towards your desire with aligned action,

  • Clearing subconscious blocks,

  • Affirmations (law of attraction),

  • A gratitude practice or journaling,

  • Doing things that keep your vibe high.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the process of manifesting or the law of attraction. Both are great tools to have in your modern mystical woman toolbox. But they leave out the feminine half of the equation – the flowing, feeling depth, and the truth of your body. 


As embodied women, we are interested in bringing all of our full-spectrum selves to the party because that’s where we are most powerful. 


Most of us are well-practiced in our masculine get-shit-done skills. Our over-culture values this productive, driven, linear doing. We are used to thinking and living in our heads.


We are not taught the skills to tap into the wisdom of our bodies, or our feminine feeling and depth.

In fact, capitalist, patriarchal culture teaches us that those things are a liability and a distraction from productivity, or somehow less valuable than our thinking, analytical minds. 


But when we are all masculine hustle-and-doing, we can begin to feel dry and hollow. There’s no juicy depth or purpose from our feminine energy. 


I’m sure you’ve experienced this at some point – we all do. You’re checking off to-do’s and you’re so busy don’t even take time to go to the bathroom. Or you’re buzzing from one thing to the next, putting out fires, without any deeper purpose driving your actions. Or you’re doing all the things you’re “supposed” to do, but you don’t feel pleasure – you can’t feel your life – you feel dry or numb.


Don’t get me wrong, we need our inner masculine to move us forward towards our goals. Without the healthy masculine, we would be floating in feelings with no direction. 

But working hard all the time, numb to our bodies, is not a healthy relationship with the masculine.

Getting in right relationship with the masculine allows us to create direction and structure that honors our feminine depth.  


As embodied women, we want to bring our internal masculine and feminine in balance. And ideally, we want our masculine direction, action, and structure to arise from our feminine depth and feeling. Depth first, and then doing. 


You might be working to manifest something in your life, or directing your thoughts with affirmations (masculine action), but deep down in your body might be something that is holding you back (feminine depth).


This is where magnetism comes in.


Magnetism is a feminine state of being. 


It’s not linear or logical. 


It’s not about making a plan or doing something. 


It’s about who and how you are being in relation to your desire. 


Magnetism is a state you can cultivate, but it also happens effortlessly when you are embodying your full authentic self. 


  • When you are connected on a cellular level to the truth of your deepest heart, you naturally become magnetic. 

  • When you release tension and blocks you are holding in your body, so you can access your whole self, you naturally become magnetic. 

  • When you cultivate pleasure and radiance in your energetic field, you naturally become magnetic. 


Magnetism is the result of tapping into the natural life force energy flowing through your body. This life force energy is your feminine fuel – the depth, feeling, and purpose from which powerfully aligned actions arise. 


You see, your body is like the thermostat in your house. Whatever temperature your thermostat is set at, the environment in your house then comes into alignment with that. 


In the same way, your reality comes into alignment with whatever resonance your body is holding. 


On an energetic level, we are in relationship with all things, places, and people. Either:


  • Positive – drawing towards, attracting

  • Negative – repelling, pushing away

  • Neutral – no charge, inert, neither attracting nor repelling


I’ll give you an example of this that you can feel.

Think about your relationship and feelings towards that cluttered closet where you store random junk. You might feel chaotic tension or dread when you think of it. You don’t even want to look in there! You want to avoid it. You are in a repelling energetic relationship with that closet. 


Now think about how you feel towards the carefully selected items on the most beautiful shelf or wall in your home. When you think about this beautiful display, you might feel expansive, light, or joyful. It brings you pleasure to experience it. You like seeing it as you pass by. You are in a positive relationship.


If you think about your neighbor’s back yard, you might feel a neutral relationship. You don’t feel particularly positive or negative about it, it’s just there.


I’m sure you can think of some other things or people you are in positive, negative, and neutral relationships with. 


This happens because your body has a real, measurable magnetic field, just as the earth has a magnetic field.

The HeartMath Institute is doing some really interesting work on the magnetic field of the human body. Your heart has the biggest magnetic field of any organ in your body. Researchers have been able to measure the magnetic field of the heart from several feet away.


Your magnetic field puts you into coherence (positive attraction) or disharmony (negative repulsion) with your environment and other people. 


Your body’s magnetic field or relationship with something is made up of all the experiences, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and energies you are holding towards it.


The same is true for something you desire to call in. Your relationship to your desire is made up of everything you are holding towards it – all the emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and energies that are present in the field between you. 


Cultivating magnetism means exploring this relationship and infusing this energetic field with more positive attraction. You might notice where there is a block or resistance (repelling). You can liberate or release any tension you are holding to create more space for flow, and then cultivate a greater sense aliveness, receptivity, and trust as a felt sense in your body.


Let me give you an example of this. A few years ago, after several years at home with my babies, I decided I wanted to return to my career field in international policy. This was the field of my graduate education, and where I was successful in my 20s working in Washington DC for the U.S. State Department as an expert on sanctions policy.


I spent a LOT of hours reworking my resume, searching and applying for jobs, and nurturing connections with people in my field. Even after applying for more than a dozen positions, I had not a single call back. It was so disappointing. I couldn’t figure out why my efforts were going nowhere. 


Sometimes the truth in our bodies is different from what we think we want. 


Underneath it all, the truth of my deepest heart was that I felt contracted and closed off when I thought about going back to a regular 8-5 job, sitting at a computer in some government office.

I wanted a stable career and salary, and impactful work. But deep down I was no longer aligned with the field I pursued 15 years ago. No wonder I never got any call backs – the relationship I was holding towards this goal was negative. I was doing all the right things, but the resonance I was holding in my body was repelling.


When I opened myself to the possibility of impactful and meaningful work that is aligned with my current priorities and values, it felt exciting and expansive. Following this feeling of enthusiasm, I found my teacher, Jenna Ward, and followed a gut instinct to pursue embodiment coaching all within the span of a week. I magnetically drew in these opportunities, as if they just fell in my lap, because they were in resonance with the thermostat of my body. 


You already are magnetic. You don’t have to do anything to become so. But once you understand the concept, you can cultivate your magnetism for certain things by sensing the energetic field of your relationship with what you desire and bringing it into one of positive attraction. 


Here are Four Steps to Cultivate Magnetism


  1. Get clear on what you want, and more importantly, how you want to FEEL. This is the depth and purpose.

  2. Sense the energetic field of your relationship to your desire. Is it positive? Negative? Neutral? What thoughts, feelings, sensations, experiences, and beliefs are you holding towards your desire? 

  3. Release any blocks. This might look like becoming aware of and moving through any doubts, limiting beliefs, fear, closure, or uncertainty – anything standing in the way of you feeling fully turned on by the vision of your desire.

  4. Cultivate more juicy aliveness at the pleasure and possibility of your desire – amplifying magnetic attraction in your energetic field.


To me, a state of magnetism feels like a full-body YES. It feels turned on, alive, and energized by the idea. More than a sense of hope, it feels like ownership. Like this is naturally right and true for me. It feels open and expansive. 


What does magnetism feel like in your body? Can you think of a time when things just came together effortlessly? When it seemed like everything in the universe conspired to put the right opportunities in your path? How did you feel?


Magnetism is a feminine state of being in relationship with your desire. It’s something that arises naturally from embodying your full, authentic self. And it’s a state of receptivity, trust, and pleasure you can cultivate in your body.


Tell me, what do you desire to magnetize, and what is your current relationship to it? Leave me a comment or send me an email, I’d love to hear!

PS: I love to work with women on magnetism! If there’s something you desire to call in and you’d like to explore magnetism, please get in touch!

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