The Secret Magic of Breast Massage & How To Do It
Image: @glrouse_art on instagram
My loves, what connection do you have with your breasts?
Are they a bothersome part of being a woman?
Are you always searching for the right clothes or bra that will fit them?
Do they carry pain and hurt from being touched in ways they didn’t like?
Maybe you’re a woman or womxn who wishes they didn’t have breasts at all.
Or are your breasts a source of power for you? A source of enjoyment?
Do you like dressing them up and taking them out? ☺️💃🏻
For a long time I was ashamed of my breasts and very disconnected from them. I developed early and got made fun of in grade school for having a woman’s body before everyone else. I always felt they were too big, not perky enough, and I was embarrassed for anyone to see them uncovered. That self-consciousness persisted until after I had my first baby.
After I had been breastfeeding for a while, and had lots of friends who were also breastfeeding, my relationship with my breasts started to change. I started to feel more in love with them and what they could do.
My perspective on breasts in general changed a lot as I witnessed more and more nursing mothers and breasts of all shapes and sizes when I worked as a lactation counselor.
I saw so much heart-shattering beauty where there had been shame and disconnection. Really, really saw and felt it – not just lip service “beauty” but real, raw, true, messy, perfectly alive beauty.
My breasts communicated with me. They connected me with my baby, and with all the other women and mothers who ever nurtured their children in this way. They began to be a source of power and enjoyment to me, for their own sake. Not as a source of validation because someone else was enjoying them.
Now, after seven years of nursing and two pregnancies, my breasts are no longer youthful, but I can honestly say I love them more than ever. A big part of me being able to say that is the practice of breast massage.
I learned about breast massage and started doing it about four years ago, around the time when my youngest stopped nursing, so it was really the perfect time for me to discover this practice.
I lost the purpose nursing gave my breasts, and that special connection to my baby, but breast massage provided a beautiful transition into a new relationship and connection with this area of my body.
Whether you feel positively, negatively, or neutral about your breasts… do you ever touch them and give them special attention? Does this idea sound crazy to you?
Many of the women I speak to have never explored their own bodies – they have spent their entire lives only having their breasts touched by doctors or partners.
Breast massage is a very easy, beautiful, and accessible embodiment practice that you can do any time.
It can feel uncomfortable in the beginning to touch your own breasts. This is where your practice starts! Notice what comes up for you at the idea of massaging your breasts.
Do you feel some embarrassment? Shame? Resistance? Does your mind jump in to say you don’t have time for that or it sounds silly? Be present with whatever thoughts, emotions, memories, or ideas come up for you around this.
Your breasts are part of your heart center, and massaging them helps open your heart to the flow of loving energy in and out of your body.
Your hands and palms are also an extension of your heart center, so through breast massage, you are also self-nurturing, sending your loving attention back towards yourself instead of always sending it out to others, as we are in the habit of doing as women!
There are so many other benefits too, including:
Releasing and balancing your hormones
Clearing stagnant or blocked energy in your heart center
Preventing the formation of cysts
Keeping your vagina lubricated due to the stimulation of certain hormones
Rewiring your breasts for pleasure and enjoyment
Developing a deep and sensual connection with your breasts
Basics on how to do breast massage
You can massage your breasts while fully clothed, or you can use a body friendly oil on bare skin. I like to spend a few minutes after a shower to massage some oil into my breasts.
You want to touch your breasts how you would want your perfect lover to touch you, bringing awareness and sensitivity to your breasts, with loving presence.
Notice what you sense, feel, or imagine as you touch your breasts. What emotions, memories, feelings, or sensations are here? You might feel numbness, or sadness, or pleasure. See if you can stay present to what’s real in your body as you do this.
In traditional Taoist breast massage, you would begin massaging down on the outside, up on the inside. Going in this direction clears out stagnant energy.
Next you would massage up on the outside and down on the inside. Going in this direction expands the energy so only do this if you have healthy breast tissue. If you have cysts or lumps, you should avoid massaging in this direction (up outside, down inside).
You don’t have to follow any routine at all, you can simply explore your breasts with different types of touch. Do they like a soft touch or a firmer one? What does it feel like to knead or squeeze? How do they want to be touched? What feels good?
When you’re done, take a moment to cup your breasts to your chest like you’re hugging them, and just be with them and notice how they feel.
A note for women who have had mastectomies: You can still do this massage, since the energetic center of your breasts is still present. You can work with this area from a place of love and keep the energy moving to keep your heart center open and your chest healthy.
PS!!! I now have an online mini-course on how to do Breast Massage! I’m so excited to share this love offering from my heart to yours. For less than the cost of eating out for dinner you can learn a powerful and evolutionary feminine embodiment practice that will change your relationship with your breasts, your body, and your pleasure. Click here or the button below to access!
Please share in comments: what is the story of your relationship with your breasts? How is this connection currently? Do you want to try breast massage? I’d really love to hear from you!
Reference: The Emergence Of The Sensual Woman: Awakening Our Erotic Innocence. By Saida Desilets, 2014.