Don't be Afraid of Feminine Embodiment


Unfortunately, a huge fear of the feminine still exists deep in the collective consciousness. It is a fear that runs SO deep, it has long-since turned women against our own bodies and erotic intelligence.

We can actually see the effects of this in our own disconnection from our sensuality and creative pulse.

From the distrust of our own inner knowing.

From our inability to correctly (if at all) channel and harness our incredible life force.

And believe me when I say this: choosing the path of devotion to the embodied feminine is a necessary and welcomed disruption to the status quo.

This disruption is a glorious initiation into the wilds and wisdom of your own body. Embodiment work of all kinds is a portal to experience that initiation. I don’t initiate you. Nobody can do that for you. You can only initiate yourself, as I and so many other women have done before you. As your ancestors are providing space for you to do.

Be defiant

Embodied women are defiant in the face of systems and structures that separate you from your own body, your own wildness, your own essence: this might be you, and you might just not know it yet. 

This, right here and right now, is where you awaken and remember parts of your Self that you lost or you left behind or were metaphorically (sometimes even physically) beaten out of you. The parts that were ~ too unholy, a little bit inappropriate, totally uncivilized, or just impolite ~

Because maybe it really is time to begin to let go of EVERYTHING that is not yours. You’ll find that some of it you can simply set down: there’s no need to carry it anymore. For the rest you may need to bring fire & be willing to unapologetically burn things down. At least it’ll keep you warm as you traverse the wilds of being embodied and feminine.

For the women all around me you have chosen, are choosing & are going to choose a life of embodiment: it’s not about being “happy”.

FUCK HAPPY. And I mean that with the greatest of respect…

I want to know exactly what it is that brings your soul ALIVE.

I want to know what your body and heart ache for that you can no longer ignore, because you’re bursting at the seams and it’s you can feel every fibre of your being calling out for it.

And here’s the catch about initiation. 

This is the one big thing they don’t *really* tell you.

It costs nothing less than EVERYTHING to take this journey. It costs you everything you once knew yourself to be. It is exhausting and emotional and the hardest work you’ll ever do.

But truly, my friends, you already know deep down this is a price worth paying. You know it’s so worth it. You know the reward is worth it all. 

‘Suavius ​​​​cum difficultate’ - this is a Latin phrase meaning sweeter after difficulty. And I promise you, it is.

Because what is it to gain the whole world if you lose your soul?

The woman who chooses this path isn’t doing it to be happy. She does it to come closer to something more real and true. She does it to free her soul. And your soul SO deserves to be free. Let it be.

Book a 1:1 Soul Alchemy Session with me, and let’s start to move forward on your embodiment journey. Let’s find out who you really get to be. This is so deeply transformative…