Becoming Lost and Unlost


“you will beome lost and unlost. over and over again. relax love. you were meant to be this glorious. epic. story.” - nayyirah waheed

This quote just cracks my heart open because I know so deeply what it is to be lost. ⁣There have been times when I have been lost and wasn’t at all sure I would be unlost again. 

Sometimes becoming lost is a result of hitting a rock bottom, or being rocked by a loss, a death, a divorce, or a job. Not long ago, I was definitely in the experience of being lost. Not because some huge event happened. Rather, it was the result of what I can only describe as an awakening.

When I wake my daughter in the morning for school, I come in her room and softly say “good morning my darling.” I open the curtains just a bit to slowly let some light in and let her gently awaken. ⁣

When I say I had an awakening this is not what happened! Life didn’t tiptoe in and softly whisper “hello my dear, it is time to wake.” 

It was more like an earthquake that shook the foundations of everything I knew and was.

Something in my cognition shifted, and suddenly I was AWAKE. Almost like I had been in some kind of fog and a gust of wind blew the mists away and suddenly I didn’t know which way was up any more. I saw with different eyes.

I was awake, but I was also lost. ⁣

Becoming unlost was a journey with many twists and turns. I asked who- or what-ever was listening to send me guides and teachers. I dove in to an experiential rollercoaster; giving over trust that I was headed in the right direction; that I could trust myself. 

One of the teachers who serendipitously came into my life was Jenna Ward, who teaches feminine embodiment at her School of Embodied Arts. With little to back up the decision, I followed a strong feeling that this was my next step, and I dove in to learning how to guide women back to their authentic selves in an embodied, feminine way. 


“We teach best what we most need to learn.” -Richard Bach

I knew in my bones that my journey wasn’t only happening to me. It was happening for so many other women who would walk alongside me.

This journey was a winding path, full of bumps and places where the path itself disappeared and I had to make my own way. I had to unlearn a lot of things. I had to get comfortable sitting in the unknown. I had to adjust to going against the grain, and sometimes making other people being uncomfortable. I had to heal a lot of shadows. 

Some parts of my self are still in the maze. No longer lost but not quite unlost yet either. ⁣

And, oh. My love. I know you have been lost too.

If you’re reading this, you are probably experiencing something similar. I know what you are going through, and I know you don’t have the support you need because I didn’t either. I have walked this path of transformation. I understand. And I know how to get to the other side. 


I dedicated my life to supporting women in transformation, because I love seeing awakened women claiming their power. 


And also because I believe this is how we create the change we want to see in the world. I believe this is how we heal the collective – by doing this inner exploration, and by claiming our true wisdom, our pleasure, and our power.

Like many others who are doing soul-centered work, I don’t feel like I chose this path. The path chose me. I feel a calling to it that won’t let up unless I answer. And I do so heart open, with so much gratitude and love. 

I am a practitioner before I am a teacher, and it is my personal practice that gives life to the work I do with other women. I am by no means “finished” with my journey. I don’t believe we ever truly are and that is the beauty of this human incarnation. I engage in the inner exploration, and the same practices I teach, every day to contact my deep truth, wisdom, and essence. To unravel the shadows, the shame, pain, and wounding. To navigate my self-worth, pleasure, and boundaries. To cultivate my radiance and magnetism. To connect with my authentic power, with richness and depth. 


If you’re here reading this, something led you here, and I know your soul is stirring too. I know you know what it is to be lost and uncertain. I know you’ve probably had your own rock bottom moment, loss, or awakening.


So tell me, are you ready to answer the call of your soul?


Pause for a moment and imagine a life where you…

  • Are fully aligned with your power as a woman.

  • Feel an unshakeable awareness of the deeper wisdom in your body.

  • Deeply understand the core truth of who you are, your essence, and radiance.

  • Live in attunement to your purpose.

  • Cultivate relationships that resonate with your true value.

  • Show up in ways that empower everyone in your sphere of influence.


All that and more is possible for you, my love. I have spent significant time and resources invested in learning the best practices and tools to support you in living the life of fullness and depth that you know you were meant to live. 


What I offer is guidance and support so you don’t have to wander in the darkness alone, hoping the answers will come. 


I would love to hear from you. Do you know what it is to be lost? Does your heart stir when you think about what it would be like to be held and supported?

Let’s talk about what stirs your soul. 


If you’re feeling the little voice in your heart wanting more, I invite you to join me on a free discovery call, to learn more about working with me 1:1.

I offer personalized guidance centered around Pleasure and Magnetism Coaching + Embodiment Alchemy + Empowerment Mentorship. If you read all this way, then you owe it to yourself to reach out and connect with me so we can chat about your journey and your challenges, and how I can support you.

Michelle Lynn