Reclaiming the Dark Goddess
In this episode, we delve into the mystical and transformative energy of the Dark Goddess archetype. Join us as we explore four key aspects to help you connect with and embody this powerful energy, and chat about how to:
Discover the rich symbolism and cultural significance of goddesses like Kali, Hecate, and Lilith. Learn how these powerful figures can inspire and guide your spiritual journey.
Gain practical insights into rituals and meditations designed to help you connect with the Dark Goddess.
Understand how embracing the Dark Goddess can facilitate profound healing and personal transformation, including navigating and integrating your shadow aspects.
Receive practical tips on how to weave the wisdom of the Dark Goddess into your daily routine.
Whether you're drawn to the Dark Goddess as a symbol of empowerment, wisdom, or renewal, this episode invites you to reclaim and honor her sacred presence in your spiritual journey.
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Podcast Transcript:
Welcome, welcome, welcome everyone. We are here today to talk about the dark goddess, the dark feminine,
so last Wednesday, was an astrological conjunction of Black Moon Lilith and the Sun, which was a portal for this dark goddess, this dark feminine energy. Lilith is an archetype of the dark feminine of the dark goddess. I have a very personal relationship with Lilith. I have journeyed with her for many years,
, Lilith was Adam's first wife. She's a very feminist archetype because she wanted to be on top when they were having sex, and he refused her and she got so mad. And God said, basically, God said she had to, and she got so mad about this, she flew into her rage and she left.
She left the Garden of Eden. And then Adam was like, I need an obedient wife. And this is when God created. Eve from Adam's rib and, that whole story. But they demonized Lilith for this. And Lilith for centuries was considered, a baby snatcher and she was the enraged feminine.
She was the aspect of the feminine that was really feared and therefore repressed and suppressed and, You know, when I had my awakening and Lilith came through, that was the aspect that really, really landed and resonated with me about her was how she just threw off the repression. She threw off the suppression, she embodied her sacred rage, and she reclaimed, she took a stand and claimed her desire.
She claimed what she wanted unapologetically and. When Lilith first came through, when the Dark Goddess first came through for me I think I still had a lot of fear there and I think there still is a lot of fear around the collective consciousness and a lot of us around the Dark Goddess.
And it wasn't really, wasn't until recently that I started to embody these codes about the Dark Goddess. I think she's really coming through strongly for me this entire past year. So when the pandemic started, when Covid came, I really felt a lot of this stark goddess energy coming through and have been really journeying with her
I'm inviting us, to explore this, not just intellectually, but in our bodies, like how this feels in our bodies, in our, in our fields. Because this is the message that I, if nothing else comes through today that I really wanna get across, is that we are all being called.
If you're a woman on the planet right now, you are being called to awaken and to reclaim the divine feminine. Goddess Crx consciousness and to embody these codes, to embody this energy and this consciousness, and to literally to walk this energy, these codes onto the earth. Because when we're able to do that, when we're able to embody this integrated feminine divine goddess, Creator consciousness.
This is when we can birth new realities for ourselves and for the collective. We birth, what we're embodying. We don't birth, we don't manifest from the level of the mind . Mindset is helpful. It's useful, but we manifest, we birth our realities from what we're being, from what we're holding in our bodies, from what we're embodying.
And so the work here, the, the calling, the invitation is really to explore and to embody this and to walk it into our physical bodies. When I talk about the divine feminine consciousness, the crex consciousness, the feminine, she is, all of it.
She is both the light and the dark. And actually the dark, goddess, her domain is fully half of this whole thing. But in our culture, the Dark Goddess has been so feared and repressed and suppressed that we've lost the skill, we've lost the knowledge to walk with her.
We've lost the ability to, traverse in the realms of the Dark Goddess. So, the task is to. Break out of this repression and suppression and, relearn, remember how to walk with her because that is the allness of the feminine is both the light and the dark. But you know, it's interesting, I, so earlier this month, and one of the things I think that activated this for me was I am in this container where we're exploring archetypes and we're exploring a different archetype each month.
And archetypes are in a union sense. They're aspects of the collective consciousness that are sort of exist in like a subconscious realm, but, we're aware of them , on a subconscious level. So this month we're exploring the archetype of the innocent, and it's so interesting because the innocent and the dark goddess came through together for me at the beginning of this month, and I think the innocent is really relevant here because when I started exploring the innocent in a somatic way, in an embodied way, what came through for me was.
This impulse to destroy, this impulse to destruction which is, I think is an inherent aspect of this innocent archetype, is this, impulse, to destroy. A collective impulse to destroy the innocence in other people. You know, there's this like Grow up, , don't be so naive, our culture, our collective, both fetishizes, innocence and youth and, the maiden but also has this impulse to destroy it.
To destroy this, energy, this, way of being. And not only that, once it is destroyed, it's so glorified and so, put on a pedestal that we judge when the innocence is gone. We judge and, it's seen as less than somehow if, the innocence is gone. So not only do we have in the collective this impulse to destroy, but when I was exploring this for myself, I think there was also this impulse to destroy the innocence within my own self.
It wasn't so much wanting to kill this part but wanting to awaken, wanting to move beyond and, remembering these phases of my life when I was in more of that innocent energy of, like the maiden energy and wanting to get rid of it, wanting to awaken, wanting to be more knowledgeable, wanting to have
experiences. And I think this is a very common experience, and I think this is the dark goddess calling. This is the dark goddess calling us forward into initiation, into womanhood, into integration of the full feminine And I wanna bring in the myth of Persephone here so, if you don't know the myth of Persephone, she was the daughter of Demeter.
And Demeter was, the creator of all the beauty and, the bounty . Of the Earth and Persephone was there in the fields with Dome, just the maiden. You know, actually Persephone didn't even have a name when she was there with Deme. She was just called the Kok. She was just kind of like an, an aspect of Demeter.
She was Demeter's daughter, and one day Persephone noticed out of the corner of her eye, she noticed this flower growing on the side of the field. So the myth goes, she went over to smell this flower to experience this new thing she hadn't seen before. And suddenly the earth opened up and swallowed her hole, and she was kidnapped by Hades, the king of the underworld.
She was kidnapped and brought into the underworld and held. Imprisoned in the underworld. So of course as the myth goes, demeanor, went into a depression, she brought the first winter on the, the Earth died because demeanor was so sad that her daughter had been stolen down into the underworld.
And she, went around to all the gods and was trying to get help to get her daughter back. And long story short, what ended up happening was she was able to convince Hades. To let Persephone come up six months of the year. So Persephone was able to rise and we have the spring.
In the summer. The myth was originally, you know, about why we, why six months of the year the earth is sleeping and we have the winter. It's because Persephone descends into the underworld to be with. With Hades and he has her imprisoned there. You know, he has her eat the fruit, the seeds of the pomegranate fruit so that she can never fully leave.
She has to return to him all the time. And you know, one of the interesting things about this myth is that in the way that it's told a lot of times Persephone doesn't have any agency and she actually doesn't even really have a storyline in this. It's, it's really a lot about demeanor and about what happens, you know, how sad demeanor is that her daughter gets stolen.
But I think there's a lot of levels here in this myth around the dark feminine, around like, Oh, if you, if you stray too far to the edge, then something bad's gonna happen. You're gonna get swallowed up by the injur world. You won't, you'll get lost, you won't be able to come back.
You'll lose all that's dear to you. It lets onto the, fear that's there around the dark goddess that lets onto the repression that's happened and You know, interesting as well that, in the way that it's told that Persephone doesn't have agency in the story, but if you look at some of these other underworld myths, some of the like Anana, the Myth of Anana, or you know, some of these other women in mythology who have.
Who descended into the underworld. They actually chose, they chose to go and descend down into the underworld. So the myth of Aana, she decides, she chooses to go down into the underworld to visit her sister, the queen of the underworld. In the myth of of IROs and psyche psyche descends into the underworld by choice so that she can complete the tasks that Alfred Id gave her so she can be with her lover with arrows.
And so I think there's another way of looking at this Persephone myth, which is that, Persephone actually wanted. To go down into the underworld. Maybe she even wanted to seduce Hades. Maybe she, maybe she was tired of be living in her mother's shadow, you know, and wanted, she heard the dark feminine calling.
She heard rebellion calling and she wanted to just like hop on the back of Haiti's motorcycle and have an adventure. And even that, she chose to stay before she went into the underworld. She was just the coray. She didn't even have a name or an identity. And when she descended into the underworld, she became queen.
She became queen of the underworld. She chose to eat the fruit of the, the, the pomegranate sea. And she chose to stay with Hades which I just. I think this is a much more interesting way of looking at this mythology of, you know, that the Dark Goddess is calling, she's calling all of us.
We all have these moments where we feel the call, the pull to buck trends, to a rebellion, to explored the taboo or go beyond the boundaries of what is, deemed acceptable and okay for us. And really this, this sacred rebellion, this is part of, this is an initiation into an integration of the dark feminine and initiation into our wholeness as women.
Has fully realized women and andrees. So even that being said though, you know, I think we still also have a lot of fear around. The dark, feminine and around the dissent, as I said, just because we don't have anymore, because of a couple thousand years of patriarchy and repression of the feminine in its fullness, we don't have skill with traversing the realms of the underworld.
We don't have the skill of walking with the the dark feminine in the shadow realms anymore. What tends to happen a lot of times I think, is that we have the experience of being pulled down into the underworld, like Persephone, you know, like she just got swallowed up by the, by the ground. She got kidnapped by Hades.
And this is a, an experience that a lot of us have had when, you know, it seems like life events kind of out of our control, pull the rug out from under us. And we are forced into a dissent. We don't know how to navigate those realms when we are, drawn into dissent. Or another thing that can tend to happen is that we can tend to get stuck down there in the underworld.
We can tend to just kind of loop on things and not know how to ascend again. You know, we don't know how to walk. Back from the underground back up into the ascent. We, we get pulled into a dissent, but we don't know how to ascend again. We can tend to kind of get lost. And I see this a lot, like women can tend to get stuck in certain phases of the cycle.
Cyclical consciousness is a very, a very big aspect of the feminine, journeying from winter to summer and back to winter again. But what tends to happen, I see a lot of people who get stuck either in the summer or the fall. So it's very prized and prioritized in our culture to be in a summer phase, to be in like a productive, open, outgoing phase.
And not, not to be in a winter. Winter is not prized in our, in our like, Linear, productive, masculine oriented culture. So we can tend to get stuck. I know for me, I, I can tend to get stuck in the fall because it's very hard for me, and I think this is common for a lot of people to let things fully die, to let there be like a full death happen.
Things will kind of end or they'll come to their natural conclusions, but like letting that fully die, letting it fully end is, is difficult. But if we, if we don't go through that winter phase, if we don't let things come to a full completion, a full release, and letting go a full winter, then we can't move fully with all of our energy online into spring the next time so we can go.
Go into spring the next time with like not, you know, some of our energy is still trapped back in this winter that we didn't allow to happen. So, you know, there's a practical aspect to wanting to learn and to be initiated to walk with the Dark Goddess. In that we can traverse all of these realms more with more ease, with more grace, that we don't get stuck.
We don't get lost in the underworld, we don't loop. We choose to journey with the dark goddess intentionally and we invite her in. And that we learn. We learn these skills that used to be initiations. It used to be that, you know, the elders would teach, would, would initiate women into these, into these mysteries.
But we've lost that. So the invitation is really to remember and to reclaim so that we can claim our full power and full creator consciousness. So, I love this concept of how necessary the darkness is and the winter for all the other seasons of our life.
So I wanna talk for a few minutes about who the dark goddess is and about this creators consciousness. The dark goddess, she has so many facets. And really the truth is like, she is the mystery. She is really the unknown, the unknowable. So in some sense, like it's not even possible to fully grasp onto her and to. Fully define because she is the mystery, she is the unknown.
But I wanna talk about three aspects of the dark, goddess of the dark feminine. And the first is, within the creators consciousness, like creation is not just about birth right?
So, The dark goddess, the, the feminine. She is the creator. And she also is the destroyer. Like we see this in nature, right? And nature doesn't fear destruction. We see this in nature all the time. Like think of the tsunami, the volcano, a roaring fire. The winter, you know. And actually we even carry these codes within our own bodies as womb bearers.
Our wounds literally destroy. Every month they tear down what they've built and create space for a rebirth. So we literally are carrying these codes. We're just disconnected from them. So it's, it's very possible. It's within reach for all of us to reconnect, to remember these codes. It's really, it's, it's, it's a remembering because it's already in our bodies, this creator consciousness.
But you know, within the creators consciousness is the seed of death, right? Some of you are mothers, every time you've given birth, like if you've birthed a child, every time you've given birth, you've also given death, right? So everything that is born dies. Every time something is born, there is a promise of death that's inherent in that birth.
Right. So this creator consciousness is also a death consciousness. It's both. They're inherent within each other. One cannot exist without the other. We just don't have skill and we have so much fear around. Death in our, in our collective. The Dark Goddess rising and calling is really asking us to have a reckoning with this power of being both, the creators, the one who birds and the destroyer, the one who, the one who tears down, the one who who gives death in every birth.
And it's vice versa too. You know, every, death is also a birth. It's also a, a rebirth into something new. We also don't have any skill or ability to exist in the liminal space in between death and rebirth. So in between a death and a birth, there's a liminal space. And we don't have the skill.
We've lost the ability to exist in this liminal space of chaotic. Primordial unknown, dark the liminal space we don't have, and the, the dark goddess, this is her domain. She walks the, the liminal space in between death and rebirth. And so journeying with her really is a remembering of the skill of how to be in that space, how to exist in between death and rebirth.
And it's not only, it's not only the reckoning with. The death and birth like existing in the same together. It's also a deep knowing of what to destroy and when, and wielding the sword of integrity, of truth, of knowing when something needs to be destroyed, when sacred rage needs to be released to, kill, destroy something.
In the name of integrity and to bring truth and liberate us into truth and integrity, to tear down what's no longer serving, which really clears the way for. For truth, for, you know, for birth, for rebirthed to happen. And there's so much courage that's involved with this, with being able, to take a stand to wield that sword of truth, to, to be able to tear down and to destroy, to know when that's appropriate and needed.
And to have the courage to actually do that, and then also to have the trust that. Rebirth is inherent in this process. The seed of rebirth is inherent in the destruction. So That is one aspect and probably the most important aspect, is about this creator consciousness.
Is that, you know, the death and rebirth aspect and how they're, they're really inextricable from each other and that, you know, wielding, thes and wielding, you know, we're birthing through our bodies, through our wombs, through our, this creators consciousness. We're birthing the reality that we live in. We have to also be able to destroy, in order to destroy what no longer serves, what's no longer in alignment.
In order to birth new realities for ourselves and for the collective and new realities desperately need to be birthed on this planet. We're here to walk these new paradigms onto this planet. This will become inevitable when enough of us are embodying. The full divine, feminine conscious consciousness, the full creator consciousness, and understanding that we are literally birthing from our bodies.
We are literally destroying and birthing from our bodies, from what we're embodying. New paradigms will become inevitable from that. That really is the space too, that we are all able to create new, new realities for ourselves.
So the second aspect of the dark feminine is, this space of chaos and the unknown. You know, I talked about the liminal space between death and rebirth.
This space really is the void. You know, this is the primordial dark matter of the universe, the, the void of creation. The cosmic womb. If you will. And the cosmic womb is mirrored the in the earth so that there's the womb of the earth, you know, underneath the earth, in the soil where things are like, you know, creepy crawly and germinating in the darkness and the mystery.
It's also mirrored in our own bodies, in the dark mystery of our womb. Our womb literally is a portal to the dark matter of the universe, to the dark matter. You know, the, the cosmic womb. Our wombs literally are a portal from another dimension to bring spirit into matter, to make spirit into the 3d, into the earth realm.
This is a space of great possibility. So this, this primor primordial space of the unknown of chaos. This is such a difficult place for so many people to be. We have, we struggle so much with, with being in the unknown. We just wanna make it go away. We're so unused to and so uncomfortable with.
The space of not knowing that we often will rush to fill the space with just almost anything, just to relieve the, the discomfort of being in a space of chaos, of, of unknown. You know, you, a lot of people go through a dark night of the soul and that is kind of what, what the unknown is. You lose your geography, you lose your kind of foundation.
You, it's not clear like which direction you're going thing A lot of times, like things don't make sense. You know, you see this a lot. I see this a lot with relationships. Like people are so. Eager to get out of this space of unknown that they, they'll invite in anything just to relieve just to relieve that, that sense of, I don't know, or I'm longing or I don't, you know, I'm not comfortable with being alone.
So we a lot of times can settle and can rush to fill the space of the void to fill just to, to relieve the discomfort of this, but, Really, like there's a reframing that needs to happen around the space of the chaos and the unknown, because this is a place of magic. This is a place of possibility, of potentiality, and really it's the only space that anything new can be born from.
So we can't birth something new from the known, everything in the known, if there's a, if there's, you know if the foundations and the structures are already known. Nothing new can be born. It's already known, right? So we, there really is a reframing that needs to happen around being in this space of the unknown, of the mystery of dancing with the mystery and really letting ourselves cook in this cauldron of letting ourselves walk with the discomfort of being in this space of not knowing and not rushing to get out of it, but trusting that there is.
Something magical brewing and that, you know, this is the space that we can create new from. This is the space of potentiality. And so really instead of being Instead of being overwhelmed or being frightened by it, to really, to really feel that that, that this is, that this is amazing. Really, this is exciting that we can get excited about being in the unknown.
This is so alive right now. The need to sit with the chaos and the unknown and continue to trust. Yeah, we're having a collective moment with this actually over the last year for sure. We're having a collective moment of being thrust into the unknown, into chaos, into the void and, and needing really, Actually just to be in that space.
And that is the medicine right now is just to be and have a reckoning with not knowing as uncomfortable as it is. But, this is one of the skills and one of the, pieces of wisdom and magic that the Dark Goddess wants to communicate to us right now is to be in that space and, and and to know how to walk in that, in that realm of the unknown and to hold ourselves through that.
This is, this is a big part of the work that I do with women. When women come to me, a lot of times they're in a, they're in an awakening or they're in a space of transformation of, you know, some things are dying or need to die, and new things haven't been born yet. So we're in this kind of in between space where it's very confusing to know which way is up.
I see a lot of women who are in this space and, and teach these skills that are very, very important skills of coming into our whole integrated feminine. Being able to traverse all of these underworld shadow realms.
So the third aspect that I wanna talk about of the dark feminine is desire. So You know, the, the light feminine has been so heavily worshiped in our culture for the past couple, couple thousand years. And the dark feminine really repressed in that. But the light feminine, like the full moon, right?
The light feminine is full. She is abundant. She is overflowing. She is already pregnant, right? She is. She's pouring her abundance in her overflow out of her. And this is such an archetype that's like, Put upon us as women to be this like, you know, overflowing, always giving, you know, always abundant always light energy.
As, as women, it's, it's like so heavy in the collective consciousness. And I think there's really a moment happening right now where a lot of women are waking up and like, Wanting to cast off the shackles of this and to reclaim the dark feminine, the dark aspects. So the dark feminine, like the new moon, like the dark moon, right?
She is void, right? She is fertile. She is hungry. She is ravenous. She is desirous. She's empty, right? She's waiting to be filled and not just, you know. Passively accepting, but actively receiving, actively pulling in. This, this hunger, this desire of the dark feminine is magnetic because it's pulling in, whereas the, the light feminine is overflowing.
She's pouring out the dark feminine is is pulling in. She's desiring, she's, she's ravenous, she's insatiable. This is, this is really taboo stuff, right? Like we are so judged as women as the feminine for wanting too much for, you know, our desires being too much like Right. The good girl, she doesn't want anything.
Right? She doesn't want too much, right? She just doesn't rock the boat. There's so much judgment around feminine desire and around what's okay for us to want what's approved and accepted for us to want. And you know, I think within this is really a calling to a sacred rebellion. I think the Sacred Rebellion is part of the process of.
Reclaiming the dark feminine because we have to have a rebellion to toss off to, like the pendulum swings almost in the other direction. We have a full rebellion against all of this repression. But really like this is, this desire piece is so juicy, really and important for us to dance with, to embody, to bring into our bodies because desire is the first step in creating.
Anything, like anything that's born into this earth room started with desire, your children your projects. Like anything, anything we create, it starts with desire and desire. Feminine desire is so magnetic. There's been a real distortion and an inversion around desire where where it's been. You know, instead of seeing it as a, a juicy, a lush place of creativity, of receptivity it's been distorted into longing and separation.
But when we can turn that back around and really play in this space of like, really reveling in our turn on reveling in our desire, like, Reclaiming our desire. You know, like Lilith, like, so this is the, this is the archetype of Lilith who was like, you told me what I wanted was bad and wrong, but I am not here for that.
I am going to reclaim and at any cost, like I'm gonna stop at nothing to claim this, to reclaim our desires, to really see them as a. Space of like we're, we are able to like revel in this possibility and to revel in really being able to like, feel our turn on for the things that we want to create.
This is such a juicy space to create from to really connect in with this, you know, this. Space in our, in our own bodies and our own codes, that is this like dark, hungry, insatiable magnetic, like actively receptive and pulling in feminine creator like this is, you know, this is the creators energy, the.
Bark that starts this creator energy out in the world. So really learning and, and loving and, and reveling in our, in our desires and our sacred desires. This really also gets into, you know, taboos and kind of darker desires, underworld, kind of shadowy desires. We have to reclaim all that stuff, right?
Like we have to, and, and, Like it's, we have to reclaim our, our dark desires. Even the ones that, that feel like they're not allowed, that feel like they're too taboo to even claim and admit to, you know, when we don't claim those desires, they don't go away, right? They, they. They tend to squirt out in dysfunctional ways, right?
They they lead to shadowy behaviors that, you know, end up harming ourselves or other people. We see, you know, we see a. A really great and beautiful example of this like coming alive in our collective around the B D S M scene. You know, people like really claiming these aspects of their sexual desires and, and creating spaces that are safe to sort of, to claim and to act them out and to receive and to have them fulfilled and satisfied.
When we don't claim those things, you know, they, they squirt sideways. They don't go away. They, they're there, they're. They exist in the human consciousness. Like we live in a polarity realm. We live in a polarity planet. And as much as I love like the idea of, you know, light and love and all of that, like I don't think that that's the ultimate place that we're going as a collective on this planet.
Like there is darkness in this realm and it just is, it's part of the human experience. But there is, there is a, an integrated shadow that is not castrated from the heart, you know, that is a more functional and. You know, integrating it back into wholeness where it's not destructive to ourselves and to other people.
But part of that is reclaiming, is claiming our desires, claiming even the dark ones that, that don't seem okay. That seem taboo. You know, and I think we're really in a moment where where. A lot of thing where a lot of paradigms are actually dissolving and where we do have space to create something new, but we have to, we have to create that, you know, we, and we have an opportunity to create that right now.
If you incarnated on the planet at this time you came here to midwife. These new par, these new paradigms. You came here to walk these new paradigms onto the earth. You came here to live in a transitional time, in a time between eras when, you know the new hasn't been born, it hasn't been defined yet.
We are here to claim and to define all of that. And, and part of what's gonna. You know, bring about the more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible is integrating the, the whole feminine, you know, the feminine is rising in the consciousness she wants to be reckoned with. And, and she wants to initiate us.
She wants us to integrate and to reclaim. You know, the last point I'll make about desires is that, That's another thing I see really often with my clients and with women is that we are so we've spent so long repressing and suppressing our true desires that most of us, like so many women, don't even know what they want.
Like, if you sit, I've had this experience myself too, but if you sit women down and ask them, what do you want? A lot of women will just say, I don't know. You know, or they'll, they'll ask for things that are. Maybe not even for themselves, you know, like, I want, you know, I want things for my family or things for the collective.
We, we've lost the geography on how to even. Feel what we want, what we want as women, what we want to create, what we want to birth. So that really to me, speaks to this piece that, that this has been suppressed so long in our collective consciousness that women aren't even able to tell me what they want.
You know, a lot of work that I do with women is really just being able to, to claim your desires to be able to. To go within and to to even feel what's coming through. And then to be able to claim it. Like that's, that's another level too. You know, being able to claim those desires. What we can't even whisper in the quiet of our hearts to be able to actually claim them.
It's huge. It's a huge step. It's a huge piece of this embodiment work.
I offer a long-term, a transformational mentorship and coaching around feminine embodiment, where you really get to go deep and explore a lot of these topics for yourself and. Really have a direct experience of your own magic. Have a direct experience of integrating and reclaiming the whole feminine, the light and the dark.